I used to work out on a treadmill but I ended up injuring my foot badly enough that it took a few years before I could stay on my feet for more than an hour.
I used to work out on a treadmill but I ended up injuring my foot badly enough that it took a few years before I could stay on my feet for more than an hour.
I remember getting sent a link to a site for a brand of flavored vodkas that were full of hunky male silhouettes, but I haven't been able to find it since. Overall, I've been a little obsessed with the topic ever since I tried to create a male version of the naked lady mud flap design for the Sims and couldn't find…
I did wonder if it could be a combination of those things. I mean, if you're both working and sharing the chores, it gets tiring fast. Probably more so if your equal relationship means paying attention to your partner and making sure they're satisfied instead of just focusing on your needs. That makes sex a little…
Oh. God.
I know what ED's talking about having given up on TVD in disgust a year ago. Then again, it was the episode where Katherine seemed redundant amid vamp Elena when I gave up. The originals were already killing my interest, a sad sack Katherine was time to quit.
And yet Sidibe listened and gave a sincere apology. She cared more about repairing things with the people she hurt than about her bruised ego.
Albuquerque has a similar law, it's ruined my husband's idea of brunch.
Aw, I thought this was a fake satirical diet based on the idea of contracting lycantropy in order to get the great calorie burn that comes with transforming into a wolf once a month and running wild (turn into a wolf and enjoy your cardio).
Eh, I'll see it after Thief in the Night and the sequels show up on Netflix.
The rumor I've heard is that Hall is close to getting a permanent spot on The Today Show and she wanted an earlier MSNBC show so her work day at NBC could end earlier (presumably giving her time for Discovery).
Reid, who will take the network's 2 PM time slot, also filled in during the 4 PM hour late last year, after Martin Bashir resigned amid remarks he made about Sarah Palin. Viewers were upset after that slot went permanently to Alex Wagner.
I think the exotic part is the idea that lesbian moms are part of a family show on a channel aimed at kids. Sadly, this is still a radical concept. We're only a few years past the Disney channel using "but the kids" as an excuse for keeping the gay kid on High School Musical coded.
Aaaand now I can't stop hate reading the comments on the linked article. "Regardless of your stance on gay rights, some subjects aren't for children. Homosexuality is reality, but so are cigarettes, alcohol, and war."
The scary thing to me is that Ginny Thomas shows that conservative leaders don't look at the alternative universe their media has created as a great story created to keep the marks in line, they really believe the shit they say. Apparently Thomas really believed "The Real Anita Hill" is a well-researched biography.
I'll be honest, after a bit of 'ugh' my reaction was "That sounds like a boring poker game" when I've played poker I usually want to get to the next hand right away but now we've got to wait for the winner to get his rocks off?
Personally, I think God is sending autism and tornadoes because he's sick of seeing abomination on congressional district maps. If politicians stopped gerrymandering, everything would be sunshine and lollypops.
I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case:
I was looking to see if anyone brought that up. He really sounds like a complete jerk.
I would so love a Candy Candy game*, tho I didn't become aware of it until my local station was late in the series, so until the internet told me about the full series, I thought Candy Candy was a nurse anime.
At the very least, I think we need to put reality competition shows under the same kind of rules as game shows. For the first several years (it may have improved since then) there hadn't been a winner of Hell's Kitchen that actually got the prize promised during their season. Fox tried to do an actual game show with a…