Sadly, I think it's just a case of entertainment media's "me too" tendency combined with caring more about money than having any sense of mission.
Sadly, I think it's just a case of entertainment media's "me too" tendency combined with caring more about money than having any sense of mission.
Maybe this is because I'm old enough to remember when people were excited about a new Kings Quest game but I don't see a problem. Games have been getting heavily marked down since pretty much forever. There are games I want enough that I'll but it full price on the day of release and there are games I'll wait until I…
Yeah, I was reading to get some detail on the challenges of caring for a Shiba Inu. There are a lot of reasons why the breed sounds great, then the argument against it is "Just don't" and "Furniture will be destroyed"
Is there a cocoa-hazelnut spread that's like a "natural" hazelnut butter where they don't remove the nut oil and replace it with something partially-hydrogenated?
But what if part of my hate for McDonald's corp is due to the way they treat their franchisees? (Seriously, I used to work for a fast food franchisee back office. McDonald's is pretty terrible. The more I learned about them the more I appreciate the companies we franchised from.)
I did go back to being a JCP customer but their stock turned out to be pretty inconsistent. I'd go from "I should check out JC Penny again... hey, I like these t-shirts." to "I need t-shirts again, oh they don't carry them anymore."
I eagerly await Ms. Palin's upcoming Facebook post about those damn clouds hovering over her house. It sounds like it's coming soon.
IDK, did you see Kerry Washington on The Daily Show? I freaked the hell out when she told stories of going to the White House Press dinner and had people ask her how they got the part of DC people don't talk about so accurate.
The pilot is written as a scandal-management procedural written to convince Judy Smith (the inspiration for Olivia Pope) that she didn't make a mistake putting her name on this TV show (how many 'Olivia Pope is magic' speeches are there in the pilot?). It quickly turns into a plot-twist heavy soap where all kinds of…
Kidna like how a cum laude graduate from Stanford shouldn't need to be constantly looking up the definition of basic things?
It says plenty that the talk about Nashville is about unlikable female characters when its the men on the show that are frequently unbearable. Juliet can be self-centered and temperamental but they've only just started showing a side of Avery that's not the guy who would ditch his old band when offered a record…
Didn't we learn from Phil Robertson that by the time she's 18 she's too old and independent and won't ... er, whatever his slang was for plucking ducks?
That sounds nice but the reason that the Catholic church has gotten a bad rep is that while it's position has been consistent, we've seen American bishops call the media to declare that they're refusing to give John Kerry communion because of his pro-choice stance while pretending they've never heard about President…
Isn't that why my Xbox has a USB port?
When my first boss had her first baby she found out our company didn't have maternity leave, just TDI (temporary disability insurance) which requires you to take two weeks without pay first. Not realizing how complicated maternity leave would be, she didn't expect she'd need to plan ahead financially for a loss of…
The first time I thought you said an ending to "Adaptation" which really puzzled me.
I guess I'm upset that Obama made that promise in the first place knowing the exec branch's limitations.
Well, it's not just working hard. That kind of juggling also requires the help of supportive colleagues good at dealing with unexpected delays from the other project...
Exactly. She didn't quite answer his question. He asked how she will juggle the responsibilities and her answer explained why she thinks the effort is worth it. He could have followed up with, "But how do you juggle it all? Do your Discovery producers understand you might have to drop a commitment to them to report on…
This. I don't have a moral opposition to plural marriages (providing it is free of abuse and other issues found in misogynistic polygamous cults) but the legal rights are so much more complicated.