Julius Pepperwood

I watched a special about this particular family, and the husband brought up the scenario..."If something were to happen to me, I'd want the rest of you to remain a family." Which I can see where he is coming from, if you don't remain a family after he dies, then are you really the family you say you are now?

Plus isn't butter actually healthier than margarine?

I used to love Olive Garden when I was in college. I loved their salad and breadsticks, when I'd go I'd eat my fill of salad and breasticks. Then I'd eat a bite of the entree (mostly for appearances) and take it home. It was still a little expensive for college, but I got two meals that way, one good that... er,

Nixon gave us the EPA and added quotas to Affirmative Action, so I don't know if moderate positions would separate Christie from Nixon

Plus, our national media has different standards for these scandals. Hours spent speculating if Hillary Clinton was the mastermind behind murdering a man who was hounded by the WSJ editors to suicide? It' would be irresponsible not to speculate.

We had a Presidential administration that had a "get my way no matter what it takes" attitude. We said goodbye to them in 2008. And this time we don't have a huge budget surplus and global respect to spend away.

And, as an aside: It was shut down during 9/11 and for families of 9/11 victims who live in north Jersey, that is the bridge you would take to get to the memorial site. If a Democrat pulled that stunt, we'd hear every day through November 2016 about how they didn't care about the victims' families.

From what I remember of the coverage of this story, wasn't there a case where an ambulance was stuck in this traffic trying to help a man with a heart attack? Luckily, he survived but that's the kind of real public policy issue that Christie's circle doesn't care about if they feel mildly slighted.

On the other hand, and maybe I'm just reading too much into this, but: "They are the children of Buono voters"?! No statement in the history of politics has ever described the Republican attitude towards kids more succinctly than this.

Only when the "get my way no matter what it takes" are in the minority. If we just accept all their unpopular positions things would go great!

I'm sure Alexandra Pelosi already has planned all the shots she needs for the documentary about how regular and charming he is.

Is it wrong that my first thought was "Hey that looks a lot like the torso of a certain gay porn performer?"

A recent Ataltnic article talked about how to hack into those Netflix genres. I easily spent an hour looking at them. After a while they get boring, "Experimental gay & lesbian movies"? Not "Experimental gay & lesbian movies with a magical pixie boy character"? "Experimental gay & lesbian movies with painfully obvious

I think I've seen that routine before (maybe from the comedy central special) and I still laughed like crazy.

This seems like the place to add that Rachel Maddow used to be a fan. She says she found him entertaining but she hasn't listened to him for years (like the last time she listened to him she was a radio show sidekick) because she doesn't have time.

But do you drink sparkling mead or (prepares disapproving glare) still?

Love vinho verde!

Mmmmm, best drink for the first warm day of spring.

Linux is a pain to install and setup. Every time my husband tries to make a Linux box there's a lot of swearing and he eventually he has to start over because he missed a step, there's no indication while he's working on the install that the step has been missed until he's finished and he sees things are off.

That's too bad, I haven't seen it but I had a feeling it wasn't quite the show it was billed to me.