
I chose Mystic because Articuno is my favorite legendary bird and because the gyms around me were all yellow and red.

Also it’s too hot outside. Should have launched in spring.


Is... this #holdthefloor hashtag a #holdthedoor joke?

I’m not saying her dad didn’t send her to Heartlight to change her sexual orientation, but a filing is just “what one party says,” not “what a third-party has determined is true.” I could file a lawsuit tomorrow saying that the moon is made of cheese.

My co-worker informs me that under some California law he can’t be recalled six months before an election or three months after, and he’s up for re-election in November.

There’s a weird tension in a production with such populist flair being available in its entirety (that is, not just the soundtrack) only in one of the most exclusive forms of media.

If this were a garden variety child welfare, housing, criminal defense, etc., matter, I might agree. But this is the kind of big-hot-button-issues, precedent-setting case that legal aid groups and private practitioners with pro bono hours to burn must be salivating over, especially in a regional legal hub like Austin.

Conversion camps are horrible and I hope this young woman gets out, but.

So there’s two issues at play: statutory speedy trial and constitutional speedy trial. Statutory speedy trial (at least in the federal system, though many states and localities have their own statutes on this) has a very short timeline, but is effectively toothless because everyone can get extensions “in the interest

I clerk for a judge, and we got told to dress for the “dignity of our office.” My daily uniform is: pencil skirt (I don’t like dress pants), blouse, cardigan (exchanged for a suit jacket when going into court), heels. My more adventurous co-clerk sometimes goes for full skirts or J. Crew sheath dresses.

Transcripts don’t really represent who’s interrupting who, because when an attorney and a judge are talking at the same time, the court reporter will take down what the judge is saying.

And to provide a completely different perspective, I go to four or five cons a year and cosplay guests provide absolutely no added value to me. The same goes for most of my con friends.

I’ve done apple pies. Because of the shortened baking time, you have to use a recipe that calls for pre-cooking the apples. And you have to have a thinner crust or the fruit-to-crust ratio is off.

I thought my 74-year-old, male boss was the only person who watched this show (he loves it and talks about it whenever he can).

I’m confused as fuck about how he got a Total Offense Level of 8, and thus a Guidelines range of 0 to 6 months.

My parents were married on a mountain by a Unitarian hot dog vendor, so this speaks to me.