
The danger really comes from overseas vendors who don't get your prescription and eye curve first.

Yep. I ordered some from the UK without any sort of verification. Cosplayers get them from Asia all the time, too.

I cosplay fairly regularly and wanted to try color contacts. I have good vision and have never had to wear contacts, but I bought the contact solution, soaked my lenses, and tried them out. It took a while, but I got the first one in...

I'm a grad student (so, what, just outside their target demo?) and think their stuff is really flattering and comfortable. Legitimately, the only brand that makes sweatpants that make me think "hell yeah, my butt looks nice for this date with the stacks."

I'm a twenty-four-year-old female with a 2008 Toyota Yaris in Michigan, driving about 6,000 miles a year, with a clean record (one HOV violation a while back). Allstate wanted to raise my premium from $2000 to $2200 this year for a pretty standard 100K/300K/100K policy. I'm switching to Geico, but that's still $1600 a

I've never been to a store that wouldn't take the vibe out of the plastic, put batteries in it, let you feel it vibrate, and wipe it down, and put it back in the plastic

Definitely misread Mockingbird as Mockingjay and thought this would be about Harper Lee throwing shade at the Hunger Games.

Wikipedia says Mary was brought to the French court when she was five, not fifteen, and everyone loved her except Catherine de Medici.

He also something something congress, meaning he served in all three branches.

I didn't know who Ada Lovelace was until Google put up that Ada Lovelace doodle.

Oh my god.

Admin law is a 1L class at my law school, starting this year, and at my dad's alma mater, as of a few years ago.

Yes. House of Cards was nominated for Emmys.

That rapport with an interviewer! Truly a real-life Peeta Mallark.

Completely true, which is a bummer because I feel like I missed the day in middle school when everyone learned to style their hair.

You should find that article about a Swiss shop telling Oprah a bag was too expensive and show it to your mom.

They aren't more expensive than a non-polyester suit at a department store...

You should shop at Banana Republic.

Eliminate ice dancing.