Ah, I see where you ladies are confused now. The actual title of the article is "An Open Letter To Boy Scouts’ Parents."
Ah, I see where you ladies are confused now. The actual title of the article is "An Open Letter To Boy Scouts’ Parents."
It shows up as "An Open Letter To Boy Scouts’ Parents" on my browser, with the URL as "#!5778917/an-open-letter-to-boy-scouts-parents"
It shows up as "An Open Letter To Boy Scouts’ Parents"/"[jezebel.com]" on my browser. Someone's been switching things.
Yeah, I chose Chicago as an example because I feel like they must rake in a fair amount of money with Wait Wait Don't Tell Me.
I appreciate people who take a stand against discrimination in the Boy Scouts, and I think it should end. However, I feel that not boycotting or withdrawing support from the Boy Scouts is something that we shouldn't look down on people for doing, especially when families rely on the Boy Scouts for socialization (I…
What an awful headline. This is "An Open Letter To One Crazy Boy Scout Parent" and is unfairly painting all Boy Scouting parents as aggressive crazy people when most of them just want to get their kid to hang out with friends, go hiking, and build those little wheelie deelie car things.
NPR reportedly believes that "up to 100 stations could go dark without" CPB funding. Really? Is there no re-allocation of funds that could prevent such a massacre? A 10% reduction in funding doesn't necessarily mean 100 dead stations; it can just as easily mean a 10% budget cut at each station.
I like this and think it's smart of Gaga. I'm not ruffled about Target's donations because Target is a business, and its documented support of gay causes and families makes it obvious to me that that its donations are about aimed at supporting pro-business candidates rather than anti-gay candidates. Give money, get…
This is a nice article, but it would have more impact if it was sent as a letter to the editor.
@counter-clockwise: Bisexuality and pansexuality are a thing, you know?
Well, I used to watch the Simpsons when I was little, and I know that part of the reason I laughed was "because mommy and daddy were laughing," but the show DOES have dumb slapstick cartoon humor that kids can enjoy, too. Marge has a cat in her hair! Homer got hit in the head! Barney burped loudly!
Salon writer: watchin' the Simpsons wrong. The Simpsons — like, dare I say it, Shakespeare — works on multiple levels. One is pop culture references ("Is your dad—" "He's not Bono"). Two is what the characters are doing (teehee, Lisa is a nerd doing door to door awareness and now she has a boyfriend just like her!…
Yes! Kids are dumb, instead of just "young and don't know better." Haha, those morons with their underdeveloped brains.
Kathy Griffin did it better.
I remember one of those creeping me the fuck out.
Hey, at least the guy gets punished for being an asshole in the movie. In real life, Alex Pettyfer's "general hubris" just gets him nasty write-ups in trade rags and more big screen gigs.
It was bitchy and dumb.
See the difference? I'm sure the biblical distinction between the two behaviors is buried somewhere in Leviticus but who has the time to check?
Uh... duh?
Good for them! I figured they'd keep him on board and wait until everyone with enough money to wear Dior had forgotten about it.