My college campus was overrun with killer squirels. Can't trust em one bit.
My college campus was overrun with killer squirels. Can't trust em one bit.
Are millenialls different from Gen X? Cause i think I am Gen X (33)
Yes they should
If nothing happens to the Yankees then I am done with baseball. As a life long Tigers fan it pains me to say, but I cant buy this product.
Yankees should still be on the hook for the cash
got ya. I was bumping some First of tha Month earlier.
link is broke yo
I can honestly say this is why I quit Facebook. So what, you have a kid. Dont post his mug everyday.
As a Butler grad I am deeply saddened. Good night sweet prince
in other news. Madoff is going to be the best owner evern (of the LA Rams).
Death by screwdriver to this fuck
bird on bird crime must stop
I think this is one time that I will root for the racist prison gang justice
Is that part of the new Zubaz line?
What no box spring? I will pass.
There is no way Marcus Vick has a grand
I don't really know what division he covers so I am just gonna nominate Mike Lupica. I made the mistake of attempting to watch the Sports Reporters this weekend and that smug little fuck ruined my Sunday.
They better have Bomb Pops
Clubbin!!!!! It has been forever since I have seen a scene like that
What, no Empty Nest?