
Agree with the first part. Completely disagree in the second.

I've bought loads of Microsoft products. OSs, keyboards, mouses, cameras, games, a console, a phone... every-single-fucking-time I needed them, they were there for me. If something broke up, they would replace it. If I had trouble with a simple Microsoft

Thanks! I get the same impression from you.

I'll tell you the same thing I've been telling people: wait for E3. You'll see.

We'll agree to completely disagree then. ;)

I'm sorry, I was under the impression that these "Microsoft confirmed facts" were controversial in nature! Wait, it's not an impression.

I'll say it again: it's never too late to address any of this until pre-orders begin. And I strongly doubt they will go through E3 without addressing these issues.

Nah, you're totally right! Your point is indisputable.

Confirmed?! You're lunatic! These things are to be clarified! You said yourself. Do you suffer from dissociative identity disorder?

Oh, spare me! I'm above it. You kids are not. You are acting like... kids!

How would they not clear any of this up? Impossible. Sorry, could not avoid that word.

Look, all the bad PR in the world goes away when companies make people happy. If that is their plan is, they will succeed at it. If they fail though, then you can go nuts once and for all because you're doing so over facts! But until

Shock and awe. Drop as much information as possible. People probably will go crazy about the games, and the system's capabilities as a gaming machine, and this feature and that announcement... things that will make you want to buy a system or another! Then, clarify all the shit that is making people uncomfortable.

Indeed, it does not, my friend. Kotaku will keep on posting nonsense and people will keep on going nuts over assumptions.

"I can't imagine they would let that go on when it would be absurdly easy to stop it just by making some clear statements."

Precisely my opinion. This is getting old. But, Kotaku sure is attracting page views.

Again: wait for E3.

It will, eventually. But it won't be available for PCs immediately after launch.

Oh, I'll buy the Xbox One. There is no turning back from this DRMed content.
The way I see it, there's no 'draconian nonsense'. A very limited portion of the new box's functionalities was displayed. Games? CoD(?)... could not care less. E3 will be the best part of the reveal, and it is yet to come.

All in all, this is

Right on!

The author is a Sony fanboy. He's australian from the looks of it (no offense Australia) and Sony is more predominant in the East. He's interested in Xbox One failling.

I really don't understand people's reaction to so many of the rumors, or even the facts. Kotaku specially takes days to mention something positive

No one? How many comments in this section? How many responses? Lol, you're lunatic.