
We'll see about that after E3. Look for me, logic-man.

I believe that further into this generation, more games will be ported to PCs due to the new boxes architecture. But exclusives are exclusives. Microsoft and Sony won't put their exclusives on PC. Exclusives are tha games that make you buy a console or another... or a PC.

Oh well, maybe it will. Years from now. Rockstar said no plans for a PC port.

A good gaming PC is expensive. I'm brazilian and I have a computer to render 3D models. People called it 'Monster'. I spent R$4000,00 (US$2000,00) on it. Also, it's the ideal gaming machine you can afford here. Consoles are on sale now for as low as R$700,00 (US$350,00) here in Brazil.

There are many advantages.

No, it's not only Geoff's speculation. Other gaming community sites have been pointing this out for some time now.

Look, I think you're mature enough saying that's what you're going to do instead of blacklash the whole thing. In fact I sort of admire you. I could say that I even agree with you that sometime in the future, games may end up being subscription based. But I think these are things we cannot avoid. The hardcore gamer

Well, I'll be on lines during holidays waiting for stores to open so I can buy games with my hard earned money.

Once again, I have to say this: I agree most of these changes can be a pain in the ass. But I will not drop gaming over this.

Maybe they will. Or maybe they will not!
Sorry to disagree with you on that. I strongly doubt console and publisher will crash and burn. In fact, I believe they will thrive.

I see what you did there. But I referring to Nintendo as 'non-DRM' (not my words, yours) concerning this very recent change in DRM policy both Sony and Microsoft are putting in effect on this generation. Nintendo is not showing any signs they are going to implement something like this for now.

I've said this in my comments. Indeed, Sony did say it's up to the publishers. And yes, it does mean they will put DRM-policy in effect.

I agree with you on the pricing issue. Yes, Steam games can be really cheap compared to console ones. But consoles have exclusives. I want exclusives, therefore I want a console. So... a bit of a conundrum to me.

I feel you, man. I really do. But, good luck with that. No, really! You don't know how much I wanted you to be right and how much I wanted the industry to keep away from DRM! But that is not going to happen.

Look for me after Sony E3 Presentation, will ya? I'll tell you how good it is to be confirmed weeks in advance.

Thanks for the correction. Apperently I'll be corrected many times today. Being someone that does not speak english mas a mothertongue can be a real pain the frigging ass sometimes. I promise I'll do better.

Talking about games, I am not a bit surprised aswell. But I'm sure will be part of the next generation, and

Look up for some of my other comments and you'll get what I mean.

Sony is being shady as fuck. When asked about this, they said they would not comment on the issue and that 'it's up to the publishers'. I guess it speaks for itself.

Guess what? Publishers are the ones pushing this. No surprise at all. This is not just about Sony or Microsoft. I've been saying all along. Wired and other gaming sites speculated about it long ago. Both consoles will have this DRM policy in place.

I agree with you on that. But no Nintendo for me, thanks.

No confirmation, indeed. Still, their behavior concerning this speculation has been pretty shady. When asked about it, all they said is that they would not comment on the issue.

I'm brazilian. You should try to write a portuguese sentence without misspelling it.
And I'm sorry for my bad english.