
In NO way did it work perfectly, you obviously never owned or even tried to operate a Kinect on a PC, the Sony fanboys will say anything to boost their egos. Please get of your high horses, drivers and hacks will be available to people who own a X1 Kinect, so please, stop whining.

Because people can't magically know about Kotaku Core or The Bests or other elements of the site. We're tired of assuming and hoping, so we'll be promoting this piece regularly to help newcomers out.

I'm sure there were a few people out there who needed this.

Lots of good, civil discussion here. Yay! I agree with some, disagree with some. But it sure is nice to see people being thoughtful, sharing perspectives and so on. More of this, please!

To people complaining that these new policies might result in their "jokes" being censored, I have an easy solution: write better ones.

Well YES!

Replace troll with douche and that sums it up pretty clearly.

What's ironic is that OnoSendai77 is one of the biggest "trolls" on this website.

Troll? Is that supposed to be an insult? You kids sure throw it around pretty loosely here.

Yeah because COD community is so great...

I am among those futurists. I was really looking forward to seeing what the Xbox One could do. I feel like a lot of features, such as cloud computing, will be put to the way side because now players can play Xbox One games without a stable internet connection. I mean, it's great for people that don't have internet or

And as usual with NMA videos, I got nothin'.

If they reversed this on console release it would be reputation suicide from Microsoft, they aren't that stupid, I don't think they are anyway.

The only difference that matters:

It's all about the games now I guess :D

"Also I stated Forza is a consistent game that really doesn't do anything new. Did I mention Infamous anywhere?"

A console has never won on sheer processing power.

Who defended the XBone when it was DRM-FUBARed? It wasn't me.

Exactly. Huge win for consumers! And thank god, because I quite like the look of Ryse.

Bitch at a company to change their policies.