Link, please, or GTFO.... please. :)
I like watching the ones that are ear wax cleaning because I bet the feeling of squeaky clean ears is amazing.
"If anyone finds a little white man, please pass him over your heads back to us!"
I'm sorry, but it's true. The worst pizza I've ever had in MI is still better than the best pizza I've had in Cali.
I really feel that the second amendment was established just for one reason: Dads with teen daughters.
I think what's hilarious about her is this isn't at all a staged or fake personality. This is her, a real person, fumbling herself through life one spilled box of mints at a time. She just happens to be in movies.
I don't understand the spaghetti Tuesday stuff that all over the fandom. I'm two episodes behind since this thread.
I'm not the biggest fan of Lady Gaga (I don't hate her, I don't know what my problem is), but her songs were awesome, she didn't lip synch, and every skit made me laugh. When they get the right cast members, it totally works.
Pretty much my same reaction to that quote.
He's the liberal "Lookadouche".
As much as I'd love to do this, I refuse to have anything to do with a spouse and child abuser such as Lennon. For me to be adamantly against abuse and yet praise someone guilty of such a crime would be hypocrisy.
It's super tough for him in the sense that people assume all BP are stupid and racist. He's a college graduate with a degree (BP pays people with a degree more money than those who don't, btw!) When something bad happens and an agent is involved, the news always spins it to make the agent look like the bad guy. It's…
Lol no Carol from Walking Dead. I've been pissed all week about her and had no one else to talk to about it until now.
The girl to her right must have went as the girl from "The Ring" for Halloween. Or she did some drug and thinks she's in a bad hallucination. Or both.