Oh, GOD.
Oh, GOD.
Baby oil? What´s this about?
I think this article is misleading. The headline claims that women are ERASED from music history, then goes on to say that many iconic women are included like Jett and Raitt and Dolly Parton. Which is it, you click-baiting jerks? Because it cannot be both.
This is so strange to me. I´m not sure how old you are, but my grandparents were born in the early 30s and married in the early 50s, and they stayed married through years of my grandfather´s alcoholism and abuse because divorce wasn´t 'something you did back then.' At least, that´s how it was explained to me after I…
Oh, my GOD, you´re me ME. I was in the same situation. I had a very immature boyfriend beginning at a very young age, which I thought he would surely grow out of over time. A guy has to start pitching in and stop playing video games while ignoring every other aspect of his life, doesn´t he? And surely he won´t always…
My God. WHAT. I vaguely remember these, but they come off as disgusting now. Definite "Nervous kids who shouldn´t have gotten into the Free Candy van" vibes here. And the dialogue is, of course, ridiculous. "Kentucky ... well, that´s where you got those pretty blue eyes." WTF, dude.
I´m glad I don´t celebrate Thanksgiving anymore. It used to be fun when I was a child and we had at least a small crowd of people for dinner (Mom, Dad, Grandmother, Uncle, Brother, me) with a few family friends stopping by to say hello. One by one they all drifted away.
Mom and Dad divorced. Grandmother passed away.…
My family has a story like that, except it was Domino´s. We´re not the only ones!
I feel you. I hate that this is still a word that gets thrown around when discussing 'proper' behavior for a woman. Act like a lady!
When was the last time you heard some mom yelling at her son to act like a lord? Be more lordlike! Pardon your vassels! Escort your lady through the town and try not to rape her or let…
Whoa, what the hell? I have never heard of this sort of thing in my life. Pink appears only as a temporary thought? Moonbats, indeed.
I agree that the incident that has ignited the firestorm by itself could be an innocent exploration of body parts without any sexual intention behind it (looking inside her sister´s vagina out of simple curiosity to see what it looks like from that POV - most ladies don´t get instructed to use a hand mirror and…
My god. I have never seen this before, and I can´t remember the last time I laughed so hard. Thank you!
That was amazing. I didn´t have any idea that wasn´t her real hair. I thought it had been straightened and such. What a powerful scene!
I´m with the majority of the ladies here. I flipped a bit around 30. Damn round numbers. It feels like we should have accomplished something by now, yeah? It should be different, better, noticeably improved from the 20s.
I also highly recommend Gravity Falls if you´re willing to try a cartoon. Excellent story, weird humor. Love it.
I once had a guy I was dating (in his mid-forties at the time) yell at me for my choice of music while we were spending the evening together. He flew into a frothing rage because I was playing Irish instrumental music and he HATED THE IRISH.
I had to look that one up - never saw this show - but I have to say, there are some similarities! LOL
Yeah, I thought Olivia Pope was pretty kickass, but right around the time they revealed her past-and-then-some affair with the president, about halfway through season 1, I lost all respect for her.
Ugh, god. I feel you. Kids and their perfectly natural search for sexual identity. I used to write fantasy stories about dating and boyfriends. Innocent stuff, except I liked to try out new words I was learning at the time, which tended to include fancy stuff like 'orgasm' or various Latin terms for one´s anatomy. Of…