
I haven´t gotten around to watching Gilmore Girls, but I thought you´d be interested to know about this: Study Like Rory Gilmore Pinterest Page. So you´re not the only one who made that connection!

I´m also an introvert who presents like an extrovert. It´s so hard. I recently went back to work for the school year,

You´ll feel better in time.

I had no idea this was going on, and now I´m even more against this movie series. (You know there will be sequels).

I don´t get the whole Bieber thing. Naked-guitar-playing seems to be something you would do to prank your friends, not family members. (The article did mention that there were friends present, but it was a family Thanksgiving dinner, so possibly others he was related to.)

I guess I shouldn´t be surprised at anything that goes on in the US education system any more.

That sucks so hard! You must really love the work or the kids to keep hanging in there. They are lucky to have you.

I could see that being the case (not caring, I mean). Being so totally done with something that it doesn´t matter. I´m glad you found a job that would allow you to do what you like while avoiding all the crap of public education.

Did that make it difficult for you to find a new job, or did you leave teaching altogether?

Tell us more! I like your moxie.

I think this is truly excellent advice - I´m so glad you said that!

We often behave in ways that embody the 1950s mindset, even though we know the world is a much different place these days. I don´t know if we are all listening to our parents or taking advice from out-of-touch advice columnists on the Internet, or

Oh, my god.

Is this what happens? I know I sound like a moron, but let me essplain somefing to you — I got my teaching certification and then fell in love with one of those Socialist foreigners you hear about on the news, and moved countries. I´ve never taught full-time in the US.

I am so comforted by you posting this, and by the fact that all the ladies who responded didn´t tell you to immediately DTMFA.

My husband worked for a huge software development company for seven years, and was uncerremoniously booted from his job two years ago. Since then, he´s been so afraid of having another career

Oh, my God! You guys! Thank you to all the ladies up in this place right here.

Awesome. I also did some hate-watching. And then you people (YES, YOU ALL! ::points finger::) had me looking up clips on YouTube out of curiosity and I found the last scene of Season 2, wherein Adam rushes to Hanna´s side because she´s dealing with some emotional shizz and is scared.

Wow, I wish the best to both of you - bazcat and Penny.

I hope you both get away from your abusers and are able to establish a healthy, happy new life for yourself (and your children, in bazcat´s case).

More ::hugs:: for the pile.

I had an abnormal pap smear two years ago and it was very scary for me because I didn´t know anything about abnormal pap smears at the time. I had a very uninformative doctor - I called their offices and got a nurse to talk to me, but she couldn´t tell me what an abnormal pap meant in terms of my health or HOW

That´s the perception in our house, definitely. I call Jared Padalecki´s attempts to emote 'Monkey Face' (its a scrunched-up face used to express sadness, despair, pain, and a number of other emotions identically). He stopped doing it somewhere in Season 5, so he has improved.

My husband and I think Jensen is the far

That was his character early in the show, but he´s shown almost no interest in women for several seasons now.

He did have a one-night stand with a woman that resulted in the birth of a fast-aging Amazon daughter who quickly tried to kill him, so maybe that´s why.

THANK you! I am vindicated at last!

Holy COW. I would have kept watching this show if I´d have known there was quality man-ass in it.

I watched the first couple of episodes and forced my husband to participate in my rage-filled diatribes against it. All he had to say was that he couldn´t figure out why they were talking so much during sex. (He believes,

Ok, women limiting access 'to the communal hump-vault' had me dying. The whole paragraph is gold.

But I have to ask, is this really how a lot of you guys feel that celibacy is being portrayed? I mean, I think it is safe to say that nobody is going to listen to a lot of Fox News Commentary/Judgement on high about it,

Yeah, you´re right. I think you´ve got a big point there. I wish I could take money from my parents, but they´re just as struggling-middle-class as me, you know?

I just don´t even know what it is like to have parents who have money to give you, let alone feel like it´s ok to do it after you´ve supposedly established