it was old man smithers,the janitor who did it...who needs tech like this when all you need is a bunch of meddling kids and an overgrown dog...
it was old man smithers,the janitor who did it...who needs tech like this when all you need is a bunch of meddling kids and an overgrown dog...
I don't like the outfit... it comes across as a little too big around the shoulders and upper body. Peach has always been kind of "pear" shaped... and this is like an upside down pear.
Me too, it seems the more infantile and unskilled the shopping the more chance it has of "Winning"
Shouldnt the winner really be decided by us? Most stars wins seems entirely logical.
You're missing the point entirely.
Oday otnay orgetfay aboutway ethay onnay isclosureday
Since my reply to Kallec got more attention than I expected it would, I'm going to make a new, longer post rather than replying to everything.
To reiterate what I already said, all these comments blaming bad parenting are a bit much. Firstly, to address the specific issue of children racking up the bill, simply put…
The only appropriate word here is "glorious."
Oh sure!
This guy puts his kid in video games and everyone thinks he's awesome.
I put video games in my kid and everyone thinks I'm a pervert.
That's a bunch of bullshit if you ask me.
"Heroic 22-Year-Old contender for the World Record 'Most Times Fapped in an Hour' interrupts his fapping to rescue 87-year-old neighbour from dying in fire. He 'came' just in time!"
Linkception, they want you to go deeper.
"What the?! Oh, sure, fine, don't bother knocking, come on in, just make yourself at home! At least I wasn't busy taking a crap this time. Yeah, sure, look in all the cabinets. Face every piece of furniture and look for treasure. I don't know what you expect to find in the junk drawer. 'It's dangerous to go alone!…
How much will you pay me not to write a 'Kissed by Kotaku' series of erotic novellas.
And the Dreamcast is no original Playstation.
Track: Green Hill Zone Theme (Remix) | Artist: Mitch Murder | Album: N/A
When video games distract from the real news, we're no better than Fox News.
I've no problem with the first game's name. It's the sequels' monikers that bother me.
Deep Down 2: Deeper Down
Deep Down 3: Even Deeper
Deep Down 4: Electric Deepaloo.
Deep Down 5: Live Free and Deep Down
Deep Down 6: Deep Down Versus VI 358/2 Deeps ~ Birth By Deep <Re:Deeped>
Deep Down 7: A New Deep
Everyone of these theories is misguided, and the people that constructed them have done it while forgetting to ask whether the premise was correct. The premise for these theories is fallacious. Art serves itself, it doesn't need a purpose. And artists do not need to answer to you or anyone else. But people like you…
I will never ban cheesecake in gaming, I just want more beefcake too?