
Sure, but that 2.2 billion profit and their available net reserves aren’t much for the highest investment cycles car industry has ever seen. The likes of Daimler and VW are making 12-16 billion net annually. Why VW has been able to pour tens of billion to EVs and has still long way to go to burn the $90 billion they

I found this story of Boris Johnson making and preparing for speeches fascinating. The end “Is this guy for real?“ really is the question.

All said and done Juke did do well though. They were selling over 100 000 of them annually for 6 years in Europe.

When Citröen was doing really bad here in the Nordics some 4-5 years ago there were quite a bit of these in the street. Granted, you did also notice these on the street with bright colors and all. I would have not bought one, but seeing them around actually made me happy. 

It should be said that VW and European manufacturers have very different relations to unions. Unions are not a question if yes/no in Europe, but rather a must. In Germany the union/workers have always a chair in board of directors of companies over 2000 people. This is called Mitbestimmung if you wanna read more about

There is a complaint process in F1 and Ferrari just did a complaint for this ruling. The teams are also able to discuss the rulings with FIA live via radio when the decision is formed. Teams and FIA also determine the track limits around the practise sessions in meetings, with drivers included. Though, if people don’t

Though, I don’t think wast majority of global audience even knows Ford takes part or has taken part of any racing. Like mentioned, sounds more like a story of Ford suing Ferrari or something similar.

Nissan can’t do that alone. Renault has 43% of Nissan’s voting rights and Nissan has none on Renault (those 15% don’t include voting rights).

Feels a bit like Remedy’s Quantum Break in parts. The whole idea was to have the TV tie in with the game and all that. Then Microsoft dropped the whole grand plan of TV stuff and Remedy was left to redone parts of the game and how the story was constructed. Let alone how so many devs were left to dry with the Kinect

Haven’t visited in US for a decade but reading your comment it seems like Uber is the king in states?

It doesn’t need to be uber. Places like Southeast Asia from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur have Grab that have taken over Uber and the app is just as good as ubers.

Those wheels are pretty snazzy if they are actual production ones.

Pretty much. F-Secure’s CRO said that there’s technically no difference since XP. But most of these Ukrainian and Russian gangs responsible of criminal activity in the space target the bigger market and they also have the legacy know-how on Windows side.

I know parts of VW Group has been using VR quite a bit some 4 years now. VW Group and Airbus jointly developed Varjo VR headset around year ago that have the highest resolution screen and eye tracking. That headset is around 6000€.

Really is kind of insane.

That argument was given with a straight face around 7 years ago still by some, but these days It’s nothing more than a meme.

The downward trend and the tax credit being phased out has indeed been baked in for a while now. Tesla’s share is around its lowest since April 2017.

Like to hate? The Tesla cult is absolutely all over the place. There are couple of places that take a bit more critical view like Jalopnik, but the last thing I would say is that people love to hate Tesla. 

It’s 850 years old monument for Paris and France that has looked over the capital since the early days of Kingdom of France. It’s easy to see why some of the Parisians and French families have been eager to donate. The two richest families (net worth around 170 billion euros) donated around 650 million euros on the

Notre Dame is totally French state owned since 1905.