
Notre-Dame has been owned by the church since 1905 and is rather owned by French state. Notre-Dame is also around 850 years old build under Kingdom of Franks before the establishment of Kingdom of France. It’s a thru line of the whole French society and symbol of it.  

Monaco is one of the European miniature countries that are usually filthy rich and by far the most densely populated country in the world. They are carving the mountain behind Monaco and expanding to the sea to get more room at the moment. These days the place is absolutely filled with Chinese tourists. Was a quite

Here in the Nordics they did just that. The taxi market opened around 5 years ago and the major 3 taxi firms made their own app.

Truly looks like it’s decade late already. What an ugly thing.

I understand why Concorde became impossible at the end and hearing that sound probably wasn’t as cool the 100th time, but it feels we are missing those really tangible wonders like Concorde to inspire the younger generation.

Why so? There’s not many more popular cars out there than Golf and VW hasn’t become the most profitable and largest car manufacturer in the globe by accident.

Why so? Bayer Leverkusen is as unimaginative name you can give and same goes for Leipzig... for the most part. That RB part (Red Bull) is a bit of a unique thing in top flight European soccer leagues. The team is a toy for the Red Bull founder Dietrich Mateschitz.

My experience to the car comes from Southern Europe taxis trips in the early 00 and the car has primarily been stuck into my mind on how pleasing it was inside. Those side windows felt gigantic in early 2000 and I’m sure they would feel even bigger these days.

Most of the Chinese car manufacturers are struggling at the moment. The clock to end the forced joint venture ownership with VW Group, BMW and GM in China has brought the bottom down faster than I think most thought for many Chinese manufacturers.

Renault might be the crazy one, but they are still the one that own the house the girlfriend lives in.

Kind of. It’s rather that Agnelli family owns FCA (30%) and Angelli family has made a pact mainly with the Ferrari family to have 50% of voting rights in Ferrari. 

The mobile phone world is more competitive than it has been in 20 years.

That’s how it certainly feels like. They were the first from the big German’s take a look to EV, but the two bigger seem to have the upper hand come next year with the real mass production starting. Daimler on battery production and VW on everything.

I abandoned the whole thing after the first season. Started watching 3rd season month ago and I think I might be back. It’s no peak Top Gear of 1500 pound Porsche challenge or similar 15 years ago, but feel more like safe ok episodes of past Top Gear.

Ok. But again what’s the new idea here? They bought a used boring machine and dig a tunnel. So any new tech to dig tunnels clearly is not it. They said this thing costed 10 million, but excluded any land acquisitions or terrain entrance and have not really clarified what exactly that 10 million tag even is.

Not quite government run. 25% is owned by France and Germany, rest is public.

This just reminds me to make a visit to Camp Nou once again. Seems silly not to go see him more often considering Barcelona is 180 euro flight away.

I would imagine getting the license from the papa VW Group to do an overbuild car were VW Group is loosing (or was loosing with Veyron at least) money on every car build would be pretty amazing from engineers standpoint. Veyron was also all over the media for a decade.

Of course all of our situations are different, but travelling all around in Europe, Western and Southern Asia I haven’t needed cellular for a decade. Outside of business trips where I’ve used my work phone without a care.