
This is US only? Because I can’t imagine them suddenly stopping the wagon version in their home market.

I am a Kimi fan all the way, but now if ever is the time for team orders. I just hope that doesn’t mean Ferrari will ruin the race for Kimi on the pits.

Monza has historically been and still is the fast F1 track as a whole. Full throttle is often over 70% for the 5.8km track. According to wiki it holds the official top speed record, but Mexican GP and Baku hold unofficial records that FIA has not confirmed for reason or another.

I guess something has happened on materials or this company has come up something specifically?

Norsepower is a Finnish company and Tuomas is a Finn with a quite thick Finnish English accent.

You need at the very least a FIA Super Licence to drive in F1. It’s a bit too complex to go through here, but in essence you need to have a experience in FIA racing series that have been assigned points according the position you achieve and the series itself. You need to collect certain amount of points to be

Yeah - Z4 isn’t competing against Corvette. I’m sure there are pockets in US actually deciding between the two, but in BMW’s home market or their largest marker, or the global market in general that’s not a comparison anybody does in their head.

If you are suggesting this is some big conspiracy. The wealth fund has a 250 million position on Tesla. They have been pushing for the CEO and chairman role being separated for over a year. Something they seem to have been spot on seeing the meltdown past couple of months. 

The interview was about Tesla going private and their policy is to sell the shares at that point. Because of them being a owner, they have been critical on Tesla for around year already. They have been pushing for separating the CEO and chairman roles. Something that no doubt would have done good for Tesla seeing the

I do think I agree with you. At the same time he did announce buyout price much above market price to make the company private. You can be under whatever influence when making the tweet, but you 100% know what will happen to the stock short term when you do that.

It feels like you either deliberately twisting the whole thing or not understanding the underlying problem.

Some of you need to take basic course on economics. You are getting caught on a technicality.

We are talking about a publicly traded company that’s market cap is around 60 billion with Musk claiming “funding secured” for a $82 billion deal to make the company private. That would mean share buyback for $420 a piece. Way above the current $356. That’s a huge thing for the market to claim by the chairman and CEO.

One of those things that there might be a piece of paper, but when big money wants to change streams - it will happen one way or another.

There’s no concept of chip and PIN credit cards in US? I’m fairly sure I used my European chip and PIN credit card at least on my hotel in NYC  around half a year ago with me inputting my PIN to the reader.

No idea how they will do it in US, but in Europe where the 3 German’s have been eating up the Japanese and French manufacturers for past two decades- the whole idea has been that you can actually get the quality of E-class materials for example.

It has done nothing to Mercedes brand for decades in Europe where you actually have the full lineup. Streets totally saturated with cloth seated A-class Mercs and nobody is thinking that’s a reason they would not get a A-Class or SL.

I feel like there is way too many VW’s as the world largest car manufacturer for the customers to be pretentious. Dunno if you are from US, but these kind of threads in US blogs are always so confusing where VW is painted as some kind of quirky manufacturer.  

Renault–Nissan Alliance (now Renault–Nissan–Mitsubishi Alliance)?

Though, there are already tariffs on cars. The question would be what’s the problems with locals if they can’t compete even with the tariffs? It also makes it extremely hard for the likes of PSA to do the jump to the US market and establish manufacturing base there in due time. VW Group can do it with their bottomless