
That’s not quite true here in the Nordics at least. 5% of cars were AWD back in the 90's, but now slightly over 20% of cars sold example in 2016 were AWD.

Indeed. As long as there are cars, hatchbacks aren’t going anywhere in Europe. They are a convenience in many cities and don’t carry the social economic standing they seem to in US. You can be a high school graduate or a CEO driving Golf or a A class.

Renault hasn’t had much of a reason to enter US market with them being the main owner of Nissan. They rather spend their money on furthering Nissan, rather than forcing Renault, Dacia or Alpine to US.

It was so blatant in Iceland and so visible that there was no way Iceland would have not done it. Iceland had become very wealthy in 2006, but they had a real cliff on front of them went it all came down. These Icelandic banks were 10x the GDP of Iceland.

Considering soccer is the only real global sport there is - you can find anything under the sun when it comes to soccer teams, nations and their average fans. One thing that makes it so endlessly fascinating imo.

Makes sense considering soccer is physically much more taxing than basketball or baseball.

It can be mental and physical. Soccer is a marathon. Players will be physically exhausted by then end.

Metal gear always had problems with long overruns and they sank a lot of money to them. Konami have not just improved their profits on gaming side every quarter since they dropped singe players and focused on mobile and console games like PES, but even their revenue.

I like to think that on the video the car wasn’t actually invited to any of these events on the video. It just drove randomly to a fashion show red carpet and people started cheering rather than furiously shouting it to go away.

I’m not sure what does that have to do with this? Rules are pretty simple. You get caught and your achievements are void. He got caught and medals went to a people that were not using or where not caught.

You are absolutely right about the Xerox case. I would say there are still plenty of new ideas, but Apple isn’t usually the one that comes up with them and that is shown especially on their past R&D costs.

There were some articles about it in 2009 couple of years after iPhone had been released. Mostly focusing on how Nokia had missed the opportunity with the inventor being old Nokia employee, Finnish and all that.

There’s no denying Apple has changed the market and I think we are better with Apple. Though, what he is saying is that Apple isn’t an R&D company, rather takes ideas from others and that is partly true. GUI idea was stolen from Xerox PARC. Apple’s R&D costs as a whole were always been minuscule compared to the likes

As a Nordic I have to admit my ignorance here. I’ve either forgot or never known that Iceland is not a member of European Union. They don’t tend to stick out on EU related stats and maps like Switzerland and Norway with them being part of Schengen and European Economic area.

You can’t be serious? You are doing some extreme mental gymnastics here if you are making drunken flight attendant justified thing.

Tell me about it. There is some extreme mental gymnastics going on. Apparently the color of her skin seem to make criticisms impossible, when it should not matter at all.   

How in earth is this getting up votes? It’s a god damn flight attended drunk on flight. That’s a big deal.

Outside of couple of actual very profitable car manufacturer they are all struggling with costs as it is. And the car manufacturers with “unlimited” amounts of money want there to be some kind of link to real world to make it worthwhile for them.

I actually like the interior and don’t really see the problem with the display. As far as the outside goes you will see this weird thing only in China. I don’t doubt a second Europe wont keep buying the A-class hatchback bucket loads with 3 factories churning them out as fast as they can.

And who an earth can anybody get to call a feature like that beta? Imagine Daimler or GM doing something similar? It would never fly.