I fully expect to see the clerks picketing the stores. Maybe holding up signs saying “We won’t get shot in the face for $80".
I fully expect to see the clerks picketing the stores. Maybe holding up signs saying “We won’t get shot in the face for $80".
It would’ve been cool if it was an event where someone was kidnapping all the clerks and you had to free them
Well I wasn’t going to say anything, but darkness blood devour evil darkness.
And then someone will get tired of all the time it takes, and create a macro that does it all based on RPMs and speed.
It’s definitely up there!
Great, another troll commenter to ban.
Could ‘3D’ be the biggest tech trend flop ever?
That’s what they ended up with when they put out the update, but they said it was going to have more functionality before that. It wasn’t a LOT of extra stuff but it was more like someone could be doing power management and handling the ship’s subsystems, they also talked about having someone in the role of navigator…
I’ve seen enough movies to know that finding a giant derelict spaceship is never a good thing.
When is this damn game coming to PS4?!
Just like the game itself, a big ship thats empty. I literally have been in the same ship for 2 years because they won’t add ships because they can’t sell the as DLC. Im talking about ships past Anaconda and the like. Why would i buy a Beluga or Dolphin when me Conda can do 90% of things better. As soon as they figure…
My buddy and me were so excited to get back into this game with the multi-crew “Commanders” update.
Tried to fly to get hang of controls, got lost, have no fuel and now I’m stuck in space with no way to do anything. Do I have to buy a new copy of the game or how can I restart? But yeah, not that interested in restarting as the game is basically a trucking simulator and a boring one at that.
I still want to fire up ED on my Vive at some point, but my 100-odd hours in the game tell me it’s pretty much in the same territory as MMOs for me: requires way too much time investment to get much of any reward.
The ship!? Did you hear/read the logs? It’s a new yorker archetype in space making a log. It’s so cliche I’m having a hard time believing anyone who worked on the game wrote it. Has to be an algorithm.
“We managed to overpower the invaders, but not before they took out the main reactor.”
Sorry, but that ship looks generic AF.
Shame. Only thing I found in E:D was boredom
Elite Dangerous stories like this always make me want to go back and play.