
Good work so far. Now to remove the rest of him.

Then explain to me why, whenever one of his suits is scratched, silver shows through.

That’s convoluted logic. He used the gold because he had to, thought that pure gold was tacky and he needed another colour, looked at his hot rod which was red and gold, and decided to go with that. It’s the exact scene in the movie. You’ll notice that the suitcase suit in IM2- non-flying- has no gold on it because it

In-universe, the reason that the suitcase suit in IM2 had silver instead of gold was because it had no flight capabilities, and therefore didn’t need the gold to prevent it from freezing at high altitudes.

The thing is, that had no silver. The dark grey of the Ultimate armour makes the red pop out, but in this one, the silver is just overwhelming.

No, that’s the red. The gold was to prevent the suit freezing at high altitudes.

The vast expanse of silver contrasted with the red we know is supposed to be there makes it look like he went to work only wearing gloves, boots, and a bra.

Fun fact: For all the lunacy, the two CGI RE movies have startlingly high attention to detail when it comes to guns. Trigger discipline, technique, region-appropriate weapons: Someone there knows how the shooty bang-bangs work better than 90% of other movies and games do- Including the other RE movies and games.

The next Call of Duty is probably set during World War II, as is evidenced pretty strongly by its title, Call of Duty: WWII.

... it remains the producers’ hope that Daniel Craig will return for one more movie.

The moment I figured out that Daniel Craig was in fact playing Jason Bourne, I knew I was out.

That’s alright, I’ll do it for the both of us.

Jokes aside, you’re missing the point; He never said that Spectre shouldn’t be used, just that he was sick of the conspiracy onion layers. Give them their own plan, for God’s sake.

Huh. Well, that’s how to bury my enthusiasm in a shallow grave.

What a Shocker.

My PS4 is under my PC desk, right next to my feet. Literally right next to them; I accidentally turn it on with my left foot at least once a week.

I am rethinking this arrangement.

You forgot the most important part of being Boba Fett: Having your popularity milked dry by increasingly hack writers.

I can’t wait for the backstory about how her people have worn chrome armour for the past 20,000 years as part of some incoherent warrior tradition, and how her name’s actually Ph’A’Sma in the ancient

You wonderful bastard.

I’d be happy, but we all know this won’t fucking last. DC’s only strategy any more is to CHANGE EVERYTHING every few years. It’s impossible to get invested.

I say this as someone who preferred it to Marvel for a long, long time. But my patience only lasts so fucking long.

I realize the need to escalate to new heights of loathing for each movie, but you’re putting on your confusion a little. It’s going to be a really loud, really dumb movie, just like everything else Michael Bay has done, but it’s exactly what anyone who watched Bad Boys With Robots: Age of Extinction would expect.

Speaking of which, the same report claims Poe has been promoted to “fleet leader” in the Resistance...