Does this mean that the first game will be retroactively titled CONSORTIUM: The Plane?
Hmm. Doesn’t have quite the same ring to it...
Does this mean that the first game will be retroactively titled CONSORTIUM: The Plane?
Hmm. Doesn’t have quite the same ring to it...
@NEWShadowMoses! #Seeyouincourt #LOL #Pachinko
Driving this car is bad. Because of that, we’re going to drive it a vast distance.
It gets my seal of approval.
Any advice for OpenOffice Calc?
In the dying moments of the end credits suite (from 7:28),
Sounds like Britain.
I thought the point of the show was to be about shallow people having shallow problems.
How did I ever stand that pea soup vomit green?
Well, it’s certainly news to me!
Can they just outsource HL3 now?
Oh for fuck’s sake.
Space Station Silicon Valley
With the four horsepower of the Apocalypse.
Everything they’ve built will fall! And from the ashes of their world we’ll build an uglier one!
Are they also ‘big stupid doo-doo heads’, or would that language be too explicit for Mr. Straight Edge?
What I want to know is how you can possibly claim to have ‘completed’ Gun Quest 8 unless you’ve saved all nine Prime Ministers.
If they’re being that pedantic then they should call me out for mentioning shit when no feces are allowed on the premises either.
Of course I can drink what I want when I’m not on their premises. Although I guess I should’ve known that someone would feel the need to point that out.
I hate beverage brand exclusivity contracts, even the ones which favour me. Coke, Pepsi, Doctor Pepper, who gives a shit? Just let people drink what they wants to.