
I would like to buy a new TV, but on this side of the pond the license fee people don’t seem to understand the concept of a ‘replacement’. They think every new TV you buy is one you’re going to set up in parallel to the old one and, in so doing, somehow be watching twice as much BBC.

It’s not a bug, it’s a feature! The ones who can’t remember their families can’t beat the shit out of them!

No, it’s not okay! It’s all Obi-Wan’s fault. He’s jealous; he’s holding me back!

I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.

I was checking to see if someone had mentioned this already. Good show.

You think that them having specifically programmed behavior to run away from anyone they see unless they’re doing something iconic of Big Boss like wearing a cardboard box or playing Paz’s song on the Walkman is an error.

They have a unique line of dialogue for it that occurs in no other situation. That’s one hell of an ‘oversight’.

Akbode ,,,G is my favourite punctuation retailer.

In a lot of box art people are giant floating heads! Utterly unrealistic!

I’d never noticed this before, but you know what the Russian Jack looks like from a distance?

Or, to talk real-world for a while, Ocelot was never originally meant to be a good guy. Not in MGS1, not in MGS2, not in MGS3. The most important thing to realize about the Metal Gear series is that there’s never been some grand plan worked out from the start, no matter what the post-game Stingers would have you

TNA is one of the rare organizations where I can say that they’d be infinitely better if they took the simple step of sitting down, putting all their heads together, and brainstorming on the best possible things to do that they could think of... Then did anything else.

I’ve been expecting TNA to not last the year for at least five years now. They’re like a cockroach, both in resilience and in lack of actual importance.

Ah, so that’s where he stores his dandruff.

On the other hand, I feel that the monsters - and the threat they bring - is still necessary to the game, even if they’re the least of it’s parts. Without them, or if they were incapable of harming you, Soma would be a ‘walking around simulator’, and the overwhelming consensus with them is that no matter how

Nowadays it’s more appropriate to start a God of War party with a dead horse.

Like the carpal tunnel syndrome I have that recurs when I use a fucking motion controller.

I still don’t get why I’m a ‘Millenial’. I was born in the 1980s, for God’s sake.

“Watch where you’re going, D-Dog” is currently a second link to “Glitch Car”.