I had the great fortune to see this as it happened on the TV broadcast, and there is something so awesome about witnessing an occurence during a telecast that you absolutely know is a Deadspin moment in real time!
I had the great fortune to see this as it happened on the TV broadcast, and there is something so awesome about witnessing an occurence during a telecast that you absolutely know is a Deadspin moment in real time!
I can do that in Cessna 152. And it costs lot less. Just put some rockets on it :)
Definitely the rescue of Princess Leia from Detention Block AA-23
Rescue of Jessica Buchanan and Poul Hagen Thisted by DevGru in Somalia.
There's actually a couple of F-14's in that shot and A-6.
They must have been Turkish. I've never heard of an Austrian trying to harm Jews.
Tony Dungy still believes Sam's sexuality is an insurmountable distraction. But at least here he manages to say that it's the media's fault, not Sam's.
"I do, however, believe that the media attention that comes with it will be a distraction"
Two points on a couple running themes in the discussion here that I have to get off my chest:
All dungy is saying is that Michael sam, with his borderline talent coupled with the distraction he will bring, isn't worth it. Nothing overtly offensive about that. Olberman is just pandering to his liberal audience. It's pathetic
I always had a feeling that a lot of that stuff Kluwe said was blown out of proportion. The internet was willing to listen because "Hey! Here's a REDDITOR. He plays WORLD OF WARCRAFT. HES JUST LIKE US".
A 2CV is 152 inches in length.
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. The question isn't how many Hellcats it would take to equal the Saturn V. The real question is just how much ass would it kick if you ADDED 226,308 Hellcats to the Saturn V.
I think you mean "nearly hit a whale."
"Prius Plug-In Annihilates 21 Minute Mark on the 'Ring"
Ferrari beat them to it...
Hey Ford, you want an iconic tail design *cough cough*
This should be a no-brainer...
But you don't get that in our modern enlightened and tolerant society; every opinion is permitted as long as it is exactly aligned with the major modes of thought in this instant in time.