
My dad had a Renault Alliance when I was a kid. One day we were driving home and the wheel fell off the darned thing in the middle of the road... To top it off he got a parking ticket for leaving the car sans a wheel!

Needless to say the Alliance only comes up when we are laughing about horrific unreliability...

The only major difference between the two is the fact that Tornado op.s in Libya were not CAS, they were generally hit-and-runs... The A-10s CAS credibility comes, not from its GAU-8, but from its ability to loiter. Operating from FABs near friendly ground-forces, A-10s can provide both an extended and responsive CAS

We really just need to switch a couple vowels. The Ford Mustang "EcoBeast" sounds bad ass enough, right?

There's an astro-sucker born every minute...

LOL. I can hear the suspension groaning already.

Possibly because this lad wouldn't have been smart enough to know which way to point the gun...

LOL. Where did this guy find spray paint in "Shiny Dog Crap" ?

I was a bit confused after the video, but the follow-up write up you list kind of helped flesh some things out for me. His deconstruction of the fringe MRA-ers is pretty potent, but I can't help but worry if maybe the focus on the fringe leaves a bit of a gap in the coverage on the whole.

If I still have you, and

I'm an FGCU Alum now doing his graduate work at UF. Agh!