I’m not even American and I’m going to be bummed out by how uncool the next president will be.
I’m not even American and I’m going to be bummed out by how uncool the next president will be.
Not that I don’t believe you, but is there any actual unbiased, quatifiable data showing that standards were lowered to accept more female recruits? If there is, I’d love to read it.
Nothing like a scathing, totally unsupported criticism to boost ones own self-esteem without the hassle of communication or critical thinking. That rush lost its appeal for me when I turned 14, but your milage may vary.
The BDSM community has a huge problem with abuse, so you’re not wrong to question it. I think for the worst of them, it exacerbates tendencies and shitty beliefs that men already have lurking (thanks, sexist society!) when they enter the BDSM community to begin with. What starts out as a low-level shitty belief that…
I’m imagining the “love America or leave it” Cracker Barrel customer learning the restaurant is majority-owned by an Iranian-born man.
Well as others have pointed out, it’s because the industry absolutely requires women.
This is the OTHER tiny house movement. You know, the one about avoiding being killed by extremists, rather supplenting your bourgeois rustic lifestyle.
For once I have no snark. These are creative, practical solutions that are overdue and incredibly welcome.
A 20 year veteran attorney in the Family Court system once told me the most depressing thing after I tried to convince her to cut my client (mom of kids in foster care) some slack by impressing upon her how deeply the woman loved her children. She said that in decades of doing the work she’d almost never encountered a…
OK. Where to start? In order:
I’ve never done AirBnB because it kinda weirds me out, but in some ways it’s not any different than staying over a friend’s house. Who knows if your friend has a carbon monoxide alarm or when they last swung on the swing. I mean, homes, in general are pretty dangerous to even the people who live there.
If a hotel or a B&B has (and especially if they advertise it as a reason for booking with them) a service or amenity that then malfunctions and kills a guest, they are liable. Because they know they are clearly going to be held liable should such a thing occur, they put some of their resources into making sure…
If we want to be all free market about it, hold Airbnb responsible forcing them to force owners into the insurance market. Insurares will price the risk and owners will act to keep their insurance low. Airbnb just needs to be in a position where it forces owners to have liability insurance that covers Airbnb’s…
I totally see your point about how its off-putting to have people complain about equal pay when the difference is getting paid $5 million instead of $10 million per movie or whatever, but unfortunately they are much better placed to speak out about this than many other women for a few reasons. Salaries in Hollywood…
New lyrics for “A Partridge in a Pear Tree”?
Yeah, England for the English!
“I have deeply held religious beliefs that I need to be able to lie to all the patients!”
I thought Chiwetel Ejiofor was only cast when an Indian actor had to back out at the last minute?