On a hot August day on the campus of a small school in the hills of Santa Barbara, I met the person who would become…
On a hot August day on the campus of a small school in the hills of Santa Barbara, I met the person who would become…
But we don’t need unions or collective bargaining or wage laws because each individual server can just use the vast power and leverage they hold to stop the managers from doing this sort of thing. Also I have a magic unicorn rabbit that shits skittles.
Except the problem is agriculture is a huge part of the California economy and provides countless jobs...while this is keeping grass green. Don’t get me wrong, someone needs to call out the fucking Resnicks but it’s a little simplistic to blame it all on agriculture.
It’s going to be a Rocky Road ahead for this couple.
I think it’s because this is an excerpt from a book, and so there was probably extra material that didn’t make it into the article. I had the same sense of “huh?” as the material shifted. I presume it works better in context.
it’s because CARB found that the SCR-equipped cars were reducing DEF dosing after the test cycle, causing NOx to rise and go out of compliance. So EPA is saying “We think all of your data is bullshit and we’re not letting you import any more diesel cars until we’re satisfied you’ve got your shit in order.”
Carly Fiorina should be President, as she embodies the American Dream. She was a failed CEO of a major corporation, got run out on a rail by shareholders, got kicked off the McCain campaign and was picked over for Sarah Palin(!) as the VP nominee, and was a failed Senate candidate who lost by double-digits despite…
I mean, it’s a funny line, but moving us to the metric system is 1000000x more beneficial and sane than anything anybody uttered on stage last night.
lemme get those ear hairs...Jesus, they’re like three inches long! Do you ever look in a mirror?
Samantha Bee had an excellent response to this
You do understand that your resource was simply archived at the PMC, it is not a study done by the NIH, right? And that the author is a palliative care practitioner known to be opposed to PAS? And that his summary contained at least three assertions without references to support them? And that it was corrected after…
The Netherlands are always 20 years ahead of us on this stuff. In 20 years, not only will you be long-since dulled to the horror, but you will actually be somewhat cheered by the slow, steady (if sometimes bloody) march of progress.
I would absolutely support a Muslim women who “insisted on” covering her face, just as I would support Kim Davis if the government was trying to force her to wear clothing that violated her religion. But I wouldn’t support a Muslim woman refusing to issue legal licenses to any woman who didn't cover her face. See the…
I don’t understand this perspective at all. They should have the right to sell it, but there should be no legal market for it, which constantly threatens their livelihood and makes unwilling traps out of them?
As a southern lady who watches a fair amount of skin flicks, I would assume a goodly number of the southern porn viewing literally comes down to “I am horny, but with the heat and humidity I would rather roll naked in the fire ant patch outside than touch another human. God so sweaty! I’ll just take care of this real…
We hear now on all sides the term “robber barons” applied to some of the great capitalists. ... The old robber barons of the Middle Ages who plundered sword in hand and lance in rest were more honest than this new aristocracy of swindling millionaires.
Yeah, I’m a good little capitalist, but I believe the market has excesses, and it’s the government’s job to regulate the market, when the market can’t regulate itself. This is a case where clearly the market isn’t doing a very good job. Best case scenario: public shaming ensues, shareholders realize capital is not…
All this bitching about how “burger flippers” DARE to ask for a minimum wage they can live on... how about a fucking maximum wage? Or a law stating that you can’t make hundreds of times what your workers do?
I’m at a water park right now (Summer in Florida, what can you do) and really, 1% (or fewer even) people here have the “ideal beach body”. The rest of us though also exist, have paid money to be here and deserve to have as much fun as anyone else, regardless of how gross we look. Fuck that shit, everyone has the right…