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Wherever you go when you die, I want to think that Rowdy Roddy Piper walked in like this:

Okay humanity, don’t let me down. If this makes more than Ant-Man this weekend I am going to be so disappointed in you.

Missed opportunity for the perfect villain.

I liked this movie better when it was an episode of Futurama.


This report lacks credibility. There is no such thing as an “unexpected loss” for the Cleveland Browns.

I love how this play was so amazingly awkward, even the official fell on his ass.

Literally what

Plus! Plus! If you read through the actual transcript, all three of these kids seem incredibly brave and willing to stand up to the judge (WHO IS SUCH A FUCKING BULLY IT’S UNREAL) and to their dad, who is just standing there, not doing shit. At one point, after the 15-year-old is taken away, the 9- and 10-year-olds

I’m a family law attorney, and my office has been up in arms about this all week.

At least Gawker isn’t biased on this issue. Yeesh.

If there was documented evidence (which there isn’t and never will be) saying that the polio vaccine would increase the chances for allergies or ADD in children (which it doesn’t) I would still be first in line to have my daughter vaccinated. Because you know what’s worse than allergies or ADD? POLIO!

While no scientific studies have clearly shown a link between vaccines and autism, I’m definitely seeing one between Scientology and anti-vaxxer lunacy.