
folks are cleverly infecting anti-vaccination activists with computer viruses embedded in photos and links.

Hmm, yes, why bother reviewing something you have an opinion about?

because it’s important to tell people who like MacFarlane that they have bad taste.

Especially 20 miles east. Fuckin sharks, man.

Reports out of Alouettes training camp say that Michael Sam was having a hard time adjusting to his role in the 12-man CFL defensive scheme, where teams generally employ a fifth defensive back.

Turns out the WTC collapse was just an exaggerated flop by Vlade Divac.

Marvel has made many a stupid mistake in the past, but One More Day is a very, very strong contender for the number one spot.

Other high ranking cases of stupidity are the entire Clone Sage debacle, the way Rob Liefeld drew Captain America, and anything involving Chuck Austen writing the X-Men.

“symbolically incoherent” is a phrase that a lot of college students need to have in their head when they plan their activism, just saying.

What bums me out most about this is that the question of consent laws, “spheres of victimhood” and the worry about infantilization is SUCH an important and interesting one (and

I never understood the idea that calling a professional athlete a money grabber was an insult. Its his job. Are you a money grabbing traitor if you take a new job in the same industry for more money?

A lot of people think that serious is the opposite of funny, when in fact the opposite of funny is “not funny”. The MCU doesn’t make this mistake.

Superman didn’t choose to fight there. He also didn’t have to fight there.

In Marvel the themes and situations are dark/heavy. The characters are not. Great combination.

That’s where Marvel and WB/DC differ. The WB/DC tries to hit you over the head with being dark and edgy where as if you take a moment to stop and really think about Cap’s plight, frozen for years wakes up and everyone he ever knows is dead or changed, his country is infiltrated by the enemies he went on ice trying to

They didn’t even need to change THAT much about MoS - it would have been an infinitely better movie IF, amongst all the fighting and city destruction, Superman had have been zipping around saving other people besides Lois. BOOM! Punch Zod in the head. SWOOSH! Fly down and move people out of the way of falling rubble.

That’s the thing with the Marvel movies, they can deal with very heavy content but the great dialogue and a keen awareness of what and who they are (heroes) and what they doing (trying to save people’s lives) makes its seem a lot more lighthearted and feel good.