Patricia Hernandos

Using Far Cry 3's engine, using the same islands as Far Cry 3, etc, just all 80s future-ised with a new story.

You guys also reported that the PS4 would Block Used Games to, remember?

They're fun with friends when drunk, and unlike Guitar Hero, Rock Band actually felt like it had effort and there's lots of hidden jokes and band/song references all over the game, hell, even messing around in the options menu is enough to see a joke or two!

Damn it Jesus, I wanted to be the first to mention Molyneux.

Growing a beard Owen?

But Big Boss had a different voice by the events of MG1, set in 1995, so really, a voice change after a Nine Year Coma seems like the perfect time to introduce the new voice.

For GROUND ZEROS, we do't know who's voicing snake in GROUND ZEROS as they never shown off the English Version, think about it.

Because that wouldn't work in a game where you need to plan and be as quick and stealth like as possible to kill people, guns bring attention, and attention equals death, ..for you.

Clearly this non profit company needs to be shut down at once, how dare they use women dancers!

I take offence to this! Are you judging me on my looks, of course, that's something a man would do.

This is an old poster, it's already confirmed that Gohan is in his Mystic Form when he powers up now, so that footage of SS Gohan should be considered a rare early showing!

Probably the best way to unlock TF2 Items, I was always amazed they never added multiplayer or more characters to the first game, was fun playing Poker with added comedy and stories from video game characters in between raging at how much of a cheat the system is.

I'm a MASSIVE MGS fan, but people calm down, it's got to happen at some point, Big Boss aged has a different voice to Solid Snake, it has to change at some point and what better point to change it then a NINE YEAR COMA! This is Snake we're talking about, imagine Nine Year of not talking, not smoking, not getting

In actual continuity, Doyle is the voice of Big Boss in his later years, David Hayters Big Boss was sounding really scratchy and rough in Peace Walker, so add on a couple of years and THEN add on a NINE YEAR COMA, combined with his body being weak and muscles being pretty damn numb due to inactivity, I'd say it's a

It should also be noted that this wasn't exactly a gamer but a "journalist" who openly mocked gamers in the same sentence, the question about how does it feel knowing that the men here could never satisfy you in bed is also that old stereotype that all gamers are nerds with no lifes and struggle to talk to "pretty

Three "huge" cities, someone is wearing rose tinted glasses, only Los Santos was huge in San Andreas, san Fiero and Las Venturas were more like extended districts, the countryside and desert were bigger then those!

OK, but what does that have to do with the lack of Battlefield 4 on Wii U?

Will these be available Around The World?

Will they be available Around The World?

Oh cool, it's that Rhianna duck song us girls like so much.