The PS3's XMB is actually Cache related, so if you have an SSD or a Hard Drive with a large Cache, the XMB actually performs things quicker and smoother, the default drive on the PS3 is slow and really doesn't do it justice.
The PS3's XMB is actually Cache related, so if you have an SSD or a Hard Drive with a large Cache, the XMB actually performs things quicker and smoother, the default drive on the PS3 is slow and really doesn't do it justice.
There's also a mod being made which ports the PSP and PS2 Exclusive "Vice City Stories" to the PC to, which should be interesting for PC players:
No representation of Straight Females? Pass.
They are made from the FMV models, which is a LOT more effort than simply just rendering the original models higher.
Final Fantasy Fanatics will ALWAYS find a way to link the games back to the precious Holy Grail that is 7 though. :p
You mean like they did?
Shame you think that, FFX is one of THE best Final Fantasy to me.
Seriously, go and play the PS2 version, you'd be amazed how rough it looks in game now! What you remember as good graphics is now what the HD version is, oddly enough.
Wasn't that the rumoured Final Fantasy X-0?
Again, why not? You can get a PS3 pretty cheap now, use that time to try out the PS3 exclusives such as God of War, Uncharted, Journey, all these PS2 remasters, inFAMOUS, etc, easily enough games to last you a year before the PS4 will hit and has enough time to sort out any launch bugs in the firmware.
*New IP's are done*
Don't worry guys, I'll be here to post some more funnies! :)
Looks like I'll have to play Jak & Daxter to 100% again for the seventh time then!
To me, Alan Young will always be Haggis:
I've got plenty more articles coming up guys, glad you enjoy them!
Who knows how many more articles of these things I can do?
That Moxxi has got more front than Christina Hendricks!
Double Fine seem to be doing a crap load of stuff lately, I guess the KickStarter really did give them some freedom to do as they please for a while!
Ahh but most people only know the first game (Secret) really, Monkey Island 2 is famous for the ending, Curse often gets overlooked, but it is a brilliant brilliant game.
It's worth it for two reasons, seeing Robert De Niro bareback some hot chick from behind (not for a sexual reason, more a WOW, never thought I'd see that, reason) and to see Samuel L Jackson kill Chris Tucker whilst strawberry Letter 23 plays.