
I got this kit for around $130 this past black Friday and it was worth every penny. I have yet to really use the oscillating tool but both rotary and saw have been an almost weekly use for me. The rotary is not the most powerful they make and the saw can lose power on a long cut but they are tough to beat for the

I got this kit for around $130 this past black Friday and it was worth every penny. I have yet to really use the

This is funny. I live about 2 miles from the Columbus brewery and I have not heard anything about this, with the last time going in being a couple weekends ago.

As someone who has a graduate degree from OU and is married to someone who has a medical degree from OU, it surprises me that I knew none of this. We both graduated this past May and never attended a football game. I might have to make it down for the Kent game to get my double alumnus cheering on and drink over

We had two requests when our daughter was born 3 months ago. Come help clean up our mess and bring food. The food happened more often.

This is one of my favorite podcasts. Thank you for creating something of such high caliber. You are both informative and enjoyable to listen to.

You can play the whole thing alone, but the majority of content is more enjoyable if you are in a group. There is a specific PVP/E area that you can fight both players and AI.

Did we read the same article? He is advocating for allocating 5k a year for personal development with the assumption that spending that much will increase your income nearly exponentially. While I agree that some spending on personal development might be necessary, the important part is the act of learning the new

I feel that. Really would love to see 9 on the Xbone since that’s all I have. Hard to say good bye to a series that I’ve been playing since 1.

There was a version on PS2 and Xbox that was in English. I want to say it was RoTK VII or VIII, but it has been a long time and I don’t care to look it up.

The group I listen with is between here and Good to know this has enough traction to warrant a post here.

I literally bought the C9 last week and was about to kick myself if Amazon’s price went lower than it was when I pulled the trigger. Turns out it has been this price for a few days. :) Haven’t received it yet, so I can’t put in my two cents, but after looking for a router in the $85-$150 range, this was my winner by a

I literally bought the C9 last week and was about to kick myself if Amazon’s price went lower than it was when I

Beyond displaying measurable means it gives better clarification to acronyms or jargon. After all, I too am skilled at single egg omelettes.

Might be important to note that the disclaimer on the actual Red Bull Quest site says the quest will be available to everyone starting on 1/1/16. No one is getting screwed over, just early access to something that will be “free” eventually.

It doesn't seem to be working on Inbox for me.

I look at that as charitable giving

FYI - Even if the setting is low and she is wearing gloves all day she won't be allowed to wear it. We decided to get her a plain gold band in addition to the engagement ring and wedding band so that she could wear something to work/school instead of looking single. Trust me, my fiance is in medical school.

My rabbit just did exactly what the one in the picture was doing... RIP phone charger

That's the short list of all the things I still don't care about this morning.