
I would much prefer to live next to a man like David Tracy, that would stop to help you out if you pulled into your spot with a flat tire, than some self important busybody asshole that would call the HOA for working on your car in your parking spot.

His Jeep collection would be a great offset to the 944 collection I am slowly growing.

I’d much rather be neighbors with David Tracy than live in a place with an HOA.

I would be ecstatic to have him as a neighbour.

Rather David Tracy than some self-absorbed douche who wants to rule everyone else’s property.

Its not a very good narrative but If they were able to get their yacht in the photo with the Jet and Ferrari...

It bugs the hell out of me when other people are on the road when I am. The nerve.

I would pay FSM money and more for an interactive digital model of my cars and bike.  It sounds prohibitively expensive to produce, but would be the holy Grail for the modern shadetree wrench.

Any time one of his kids bought a car, my dad would buy us a Haynes manual for it. Any time I sold a car, the Haynes manual went with it. I miss my dad, and still use Haynes manuals. Thanks, dad, and thanks, Mr. Haynes!

This came up a lot during the “toyota throttle stuck” cases, and i was always shocked hearing people call the police and tell them they are flying down the highway at 130. (The whole family died). Maybe on certain cars you cant get it into neutral so easily, especially in a moment of panic. Fuel cutoffs in the

Plus, with all the expertise of these guys, not one of them used any data. They say it’s worse, but how much worse?

Why do I care if my engine will endure 15 winters of cold starts when the body will be rotted away, and the infotainment system will have crapped out 6 years back? In other words, why do I give a fuck about owner number 3?

Could have been the old I cleared the whole damn car, but wait I’m late, F the roof no one clears the roof of the car anyway.....

COTD all the way! 

Triggered much? Way to apply politics and a label to everything. This is the black & white thinking that is only furthering the polarization and division going on. I know it may come as a shock, but a lot of us are in the gray area in between.

The thing most people don’t realize is that passenger vehicles aren’t the major source of pollution. Look at how much pollution cargo ships, cruise ships, and oil tankers spew out. Then compare it to passenger vehicles. That is not what a good way to control people emotionally though. It is better to take the total

Take the star you turd.

The debates killed that many people? Jesus.

None. They use Euros over there. [He said, being a complete dick.]

How many tourism dollars does the unlimited Autobahn bring in each year?