
No manual option. Because fun is wrong now.

I don’t really like or care for the original Supras at all, especially not the Fast and Furious era one. Its a bloated melted bar of soap. I like this car. I’m seriously interested in this car. Anyone know if it comes with a stick?

Tread lightly, it could happen to you!

Depends on your risk factors for heart disease. If you’re over fifty and have any of them (diabetes, smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, family history, etc.) then you might consider getting a stress test to ensure that your heart is not the cause of your symptoms. A resting ECG is not enough to rule it out

The revolution has already started.

After chasing it all that way, I bet he’s really fatigued.

In most (all?) places you have to have a special private property towing license along with possibly other licenses and training to legally do this. So you are correct that someone doing this on their own without the owner’s consent is setting themselves up for legal trouble.  Best just to ask the property owner to

Yes, I totally deserve $10,000 or so in damage because I blocked your charger.

Is this HONESTLY your opinion?

Because what it someone decided to egg your house because you took 14 items in the 10 items or less line?

Sorry man, but I seriously hope you are just net-raging or using hyperbole. In NO WAY is this a proper or

Also, WTF AAA?  Nobody buys that shit; people need to stop pushing it.  If you can’t change a spare, you shouldn’t be driving in the first place.

TEACH THEM TO CHANGE A SPARE TIRE. Specifically, the spare tire in their car. 

Now playing

Its true, that Ferrari is more than I can afford...

Every character that drives a Mustang crashes it.

Alternate headline

And if people didnt break laws and run from cops to begin with, this stuff also wouldnt be needed.

Can staffers get cotd?

My German is rusty.

As are most of my other things. 

Pretty sure you say this after every Grand Tour article. Do you keep reactivating yours or...? 

Came here for this.

This, however, is completely acceptable when it’s Marisa Tomei ...

The 4th gen Maxima was used in the original movie, they still sell for 500 dollars.