PartyPooper2012’re saying this “spy shot” is probably fake?

I’ve worked phone based customer services. You speak true wisdom.

Eminent Domain is a historically Democratic idea, correct?

F Sakes, can we keep the petty political bickering out of just one page of the gawker empire....?

Depends on the plastic. Earthbound Farm buys plastic water and soda bottles that have been pelletized and then molds them into clear plastic clamshells for their salads and greens. They figure that buying the recycled pellets instead of buying pre-made clamshells also saves a ton of fuel because the pellets are more

Hell to the yeah!!!

You’re wrong. Smarten up.

The heart once what the heart once.

You once fries with that?

Anyway you once it - Journey

Good God I chuckled so hard at this....

...They did once. Maybe they will again.  ☺

Everybody once to rule the world.

You can’t always get what you once - Mick Jagger

You’re once...

Everybody once some, I once some too....

You’re right. Plastics can be recycled into lower-quality plastic. Glass can be remade more easily and I think it depends one the type of metal how good the process is.

Stolen car...non violent until they get caught by the owner. Seen it...laughed at it.

You’d think so, but they actually add like +15HP. 

Cries for help coming from the trunk?