
simple. you got tools to fix your car... and tools for wood projects... and sheet rock projects and before you know it, garage is full of tools and no room for a vehicle.

Last thing before living under a bridge before covid takes you, all you wanted to do was drive new corvette... 

So many questions.

Ignoramus dealers have been doing this for years. Just because they don’t want to stock few manual cars, they don’t order them. Next thing you know, manual gearboxes are “unwanted” and going by way of dodo bird.

Let’s see... you have less than a week to finish umpteen cars, get them running, driving, stopping and registered before going to Mojave desert city tows them all away... 

it needs a big rumbling exhaust

electric turbos

Says there... the busted vehicles cannot be outside of a completely enclosed structure... Sooo put them inside of a completely closed structure...

Am I the only one who thinks this is a fancy Niva?

David Tracy buys cheap 2020 model. Proceeds to replace carburetor and brake master cylinders to prepare for Mojave desert adventures coming up in 34 seconds

BMW... I don’t think in Germany they lane split.

I was at a Honda dealership near by. They had some accords and civics and preludes from early/mid 90s in their show room. Boy! Everyone that came in, instantly had a huge smile on their face. Nostalgia got everyone!

For only $499 that jeep can be yours to wrench and to hold. For fixed and for broken

What are you saving it for? Imagine you got Covid and now you are on ventilators and medicine fighting for your life... Live it up while you can or until normalcy returns 

Ugh. I’ll take water. 

Well, this is just depressing. Who’s got some of that good scotch left over? 

Are you asking us for permission?

Experiment idea: buy new car and see how much of the wrenching you forget while not having to wrench on new car.

Ferrari’s horse has rear legs open a little more

Life’s tough when you know things others don’t. You try to yell and argue and everyone just looks at you sideways and keeps doing it they’re old way.