
ugh. Struggle is real and is getting worse.

Lose? = fail to win

Dang it. They changed it.

If empty roads with no pedestrians or other drivers is not a good time to street race in a personal automobile away from other people, when is a good time to street race? Asking for a friend

Can we all just get off this planet for a few weeks and each person sent to their own rock in the universe? When we get back, earth will have recovered a little from our pollution, carbon dioxide,monoxide, plastic, pesticides, herbicides,

Wait. It’s a 4 speed? Pass..

8? You mean C8? or... nah?

All I am seeing is Pollen Traps


but if you keep the doors, then you can mount light bars on inside of doors....and outside... 

I don’t know if you noticed the screen name, but my job is to bust your chops. I have no doubt you will continue to bend wrenches on oxidized metal.

I heard you liked light bars, so we put lightbars on your bronco....

What? Why?

oddly enough, not once did I look at any car and think to my self - how many of these did they make?

Solution to most of your intriguing questions regarding weekend hauling

If you are in a market for a pickup truck, would you really be looking at a wrangler with a pickup bed?