I like the idea of Utterly Realistic Car Ads.
I like the idea of Utterly Realistic Car Ads.
Cool! Welcome! Also, FUCK YOU THIS ARTICLE IS TOTAL BULLSHIT! I already knew Ohio sucks.
Touche, good sir...well done.
Starred for “The Ball Joint.”
I really tried to keep it vaguely PG-rated. Something that goes against every fiber of my being, BTW, but I figured I’d give it a shot.
You did not need to post this retraction. The initial post, with the lion, was perfect as is.
I mean some meat is reall really good raw. I love a good tartare or carpaccio.
i will never understand people that buy cars to not drive them..... theres only so much looking at a car i can do before i get bored.. i’ll never get bored of driving them (well... some cars i might...)
Here’s another good one:
Seriously when A holes refuse to pull over your forced to pass them. The way the Miatia did it though is not cool and very dangerous. Need to wait for at least a straight. THIS is why you see signs for slow traffic to pull over because people will only wait so long. I have to illegally pass people all the time on B…
Earnest responses to sarcastic comments are the best.
THEY ARE NOT THE BEST! I HATE when people respond with a bunch of angry bullshit comments just because someone is being so obviously sarcastic!!
I enjoyed this
Earnest responses to sarcastic comments are the best.
This is the perfect place to quote the final verse of Jonathan Coulton’s amazing song, “RE: Your Brains”:
Look, at the end of the day, it is what it is.