nerd, keep your politics off my bike blog bitch.
To be fair, it doesn’t say that he didn’t take an MSF course. A novice rider is still a novice even with an MSF course.
So would that be a Polydor? Heyoo.
Points sound like a sports thing... Serious and fun.
unless your doors are blow-off-proof.
That’s what she said.
Okay, a simple “wrong” wouldn’t done just fine.
A) Because when inflated, and then squished under a couple hundred pounds of sleeping people, the vinyl sheeting that it is made out of will expand over time (it’s just what plastic does) causing the bed to feel like it has “lost air” when in truth it has just grown in size. (This expansion is normal and will reverse…
A) Because when inflated, and then squished under a couple hundred pounds of sleeping people, the vinyl sheeting…
I’m lost. If the mattress doesn’t leak, why does it continue to need more air?
I’m lost. If the mattress doesn’t leak, why does it continue to need more air?
I see you’re trying to derail the thread.
Then i’m 1/10.
Also, I think the doors are still there, just with a giant cut out going along the window lines?
Damn snitching neighbors.
Who? The Camaro or the videographer?
That’s a wheel cover and a red taillight lens.
Well this is something we Americans could improve upon.
They took the sign too literally
Didn’t work.