
Ha, well I'm okay with that.

CP, but negotiate with me on it, and I’ll buy it for my mother. Who loved her red 323 and regrets selling it. I would love to get her the GTX. Also, I sent her this link, so she will see this comment. HI MOM.

Simple, they use them themselves.

all i see are a bunch of 4wheelers and bikes that have been bounced off the rev limiter at every light, never maintained, and dumped when the cops came.

Now that they can’t spend taxpayers money on private jets full if hookers and blow they gotta do something for fun. And they can’t murder people like they used to because that’s frowned upon now.

First you show us fun in the snow. Then you show us crazy ass go kart burnouts

I wish Honda remembered ‘90s Honda.


I’m assuming he did it for theatrical reasons, ala modern day black and white film.

I was waiting for this. And I too am suffering from “Automotive Sour Grapes Syndrome”. Something that I have never suffered from before.

Well, fine Ford, play the exclusivity game, I’ll take my money and go buy a new Ferrari. That’ll show ya, they won’t spurn me.

You successfully used “Walkers” in a sentence and it made sense!

Off-Topic: I hate the name Mikaela, no matter how it is spelled.

Making rent/mortgage payments is also nice.

No because the recycling people dont take wood. The garbage people dont take wood. The yard trash people dont take any wood over 4 fucking feet. I need someone to take my WOOD!

I mean, 7 year old me is super stoked at the giant box. 33 year old me says “how the hell am I going to make that fit in the recycling bin?”

I am trying to suppress laughter at my cubicle and I can’t. This is amazing.