I suspect it’s a common ailment among classic car owners- drumophobia.
I’m so glad someone else has seen this movie.
Considering I spent 3 hours installing a fender eliminator kit the other day I highly doubt the 2 hour quoted time.
If it weren’t for Forza, maybe he would have learned not to drive so damned fast in the rain.
The Mini doesn’t have to win. Just has to wait long enough for the Mustang to be distracted by a crowd.
I like how Chris grabs Matt’s hand in a total (and admittedly common) misunderstanding of how a high five is supposed to work. Matt’s face is all “no, that’s not right”.
That’s one closed door and 45º away from saluting a certain Austrian megalomaniac...
unfortunately, there’s no fast forward function on this.
unfortunately, there’s no fast forward function on this.
I simply put the memory card for mine (MicroSD) in my car decks usb and play it on my deck (via a usb MicroSD adapter) or put the memory card in my phone and navigate to the video clip with a file browser, just some ideas, most cheap cameras like this won’t have playback options built in but it takes my all of 5…
I simply put the memory card for mine (MicroSD) in my car decks usb and play it on my deck (via a usb MicroSD…
No you dont want to do that. you want to give that footage to your lawyer or show it to the magistrate/judge when you contest the ticket.
No you dont want to do that. you want to give that footage to your lawyer or show it to the magistrate/judge when…
These normally record in 2-5 minutes blocks, so even if you have an hours long trip, you just need to navigate to the correct chunk. You’ll never need to play back more than that block.
These normally record in 2-5 minutes blocks, so even if you have an hours long trip, you just need to navigate to…
I suspect you might be cheating in terms of The Garage. However, as a parent, you are most definitely doing it right.
Well, duh, of course you don't start elementary maths with Laplace transforms. That's what the Riemann zeta hypothesis is there for.
Don’t forget the washing machine and dishwasher!