
I may be a fool, but I don't fib. :)


Is this really the argument you want to have today? Whether or not someone could plausibly obtain a merchant account and CC reader to sell one car on Craigslist?

Once brought $2900 in an envelope to a guy selling me my car for $3000. Counted it to him, and told him I only brought the 2900, and he could take it or leave it, with 145 $20 bills already in his hands. He took it. That $100 I saved paid for my registration and taxes that year, I think.

Had to be done.

Hey, you said it first. Prepare to be punished!

thats what she said!


This is kinda like marrying your hooker.. it defeats the purpose...

why would you commute by car in NYC? seems asinine

Thank you for posting. I moved from there two years ago and was just starting to look back with rose colored glasses. Seeing these pieces of human garbage knocked them right off my face!

I don’t have a problem with this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Or just pay the parking lot and walk back to the office. How some people do all kinds of silly things for a “free spot” is insane. Quit being cheap and pay for your parking pass in the lot.

“Excuse me sir, where are you headed with those flowers.”
“Me? Oh, It’s my wifes birthday, going to meet her for lunch.”
“Would you rather bang this hot chick instead?”
*tosses flowers over shoulder

So you’re trading one lying socialist sack of turds for another. Faith in Democracy: Not Restored.

This shit, every year;

I can’t find a black Acura Type S one, so this’ll do. Needless to say, my tastes have evolved since then.