
For what it’s worth, he thought it was a fun adventure.

That’s pretty resourceful!

I was gonna write and complain about you taking a kid anywhere in a Yugo. But then, kids need to learn what the world was like before digital everything. A life lesson is worth way more than two hose clamps and potential for a long wait in the cold for a mom rescue to show up.

Kid was driving the Ford Transit and the shifter came apart much like the Yugo. Wife goes to rescue him in the only car she had that day the BMW 850. She quickly figures out that the shifter is not working and googles it and gets to the #1 hit on Youtube which is stick you hand into the engine compartment up to your

The perspective bridge is the only one of the challenges that not only makes perfect sense.... but could have easily been created using only 2000+ year old technology. It’s literally just sidewalk art painted on a solid beam of rock painted to look like the opposing rock face from that exact vantage point of standing

But Aliens and a fridge surviving a nuclear blast is just that bridge too far somehow...

Exactly. The Path of God is an optical illusion. That’s why there’s that overhead camera shot that pans side to side.

This is correct.

Re: the Path of God. I was pretty sure that the path was hidden by a perspective trick, which is why it can be perceived from the side, and that the path itself wasn’t visible front because it looked like part of the rock in front of it.

The most disturbing thing about this for me is that he’s reading it.

Don’t suppose it could have anything to do with the fact that the rich and powerful have gotten spectacularly brazen about committing crimes and bragging about them in full public view, and the justice system has reliably persisted in never punishing them

I am a huge Doctor Who fan and have always found its intense British-ness a big part of its appeal. And yet many British aristocratic politicians seem to combine stupidity, arrogance, and apparent inbreeding in a way that is particularly appalling and perhaps dangerous to the evolution of the human species. 

There is a huge amount of betting going on within stock markets. When you buy a stock you’re betting that the company’s products or services are good enough long term to increase the value, you’re betting that outside factors such as government intervention or market reorganizations aren’t going to be responsible for

1st Gear:
The stock market is legal gambling with other people’s money. That’s all it’s ever been. It’s not so much a market as it is a better’s aisle. Though “stock betting aisle” is too many syllables without enough hard consonants to be catchy...

2nd Gear:
The French really need some more bitchslaps in order to pay

How does the works council rule deal with new factories and new companies? Does the union just appoint people for the first 6 months? I heard they require labor to make up half the board anyway.

10/10 would rather get killed by the Pao than those other vehicles. Sure, they’re big and tough, but generally not that interesting. ALL Paos are interesting. 

No, I too get feelings for plucky little character oozing runabouts like your Pao.  I also love Hub Nut’s little Citroen 2CV.  I want a 2CV.  I sadly lack space to park one in a place to keep its uber fragile, rust prone little body properly cocooned from the Ohio winters.

So, at night, when I hit it, I couldn’t see where it went or what happened to it at all. It wasn’t until the next morning when I went back that I saw the deer in that ditch.

I’ve felt the pain that comes with a deer getting too up close and personal with one of my cars, in fact it’s happened a few times, and of course I’m glad you’re okay, but that’s not why I’m here.

Well, at least your not known as the only kid in your small farming town who hit a deer on his bike. o_O