
Yeah this was the nail in the coffin for me. I’m one of those mega fans that was wrestling with the fury over JK’s comments and my love/passion for the series. I even hoped that I could buy a used copy and donate to trans-friendly charities to at least balance something in my conscience and the universe.

But now the

I’ve seen this one particular “anti-SJW” argument on different websites claiming “cancelling” people is bad for business, that it’s the reason the economy is failing, that it’s denying people a career and an income, that it’s the same thing as McCarthyism. And I don’t agree with that.

That boggles my mind as well, why are people so afraid of new stories with new stakes? I think the gatekeeping that Hollywood makes it difficult to see these work as those of auteurs who want to tell their story and people become cynical and assume anything that doesn’t fit a cookie cutter Hollywood pastische of the

Any before anyone jumps in - sure, he’s allowed his (terrible) opinion. And I’m allowed not to give them any money.”

And said (world’s largest finger quotes) ‘agenda’ is always just “I am made aware of the existence of females, minorities, and LGBTQ people in my video game

They never seem to notice the politics of literally every single war game in existence along with dozens of others,* but the second a character can be identified

I will continue to be amazed until the I’m lowered into my grave that the idea of “maybe the princess can save herself once in a while” absolutely fucking shattered so many adult brains into of millions pieces.

just...just jaw-to-the-floor astounded to this day.

Facebook? I’d rather wrestle Denebian slime devils.

I fell down a hole on Memory Beta (the Trek novel/comics/games wiki) the other night and I don’t remember what character did it, but he immediately challenged the Klingon captain to single combat, which meant a suspension of hostilities while they fought. He ordered his crew to save the Kobayashi Maru while he fought

I mean, I enjoy the Kelvin films, but the first two definitely feel like they were written by someone whose knowledge of Trek came from reading an intern’s summary of the wikipedia page.

Great, you need a Facebook account to play. FAACCEEBOOK!!!

Yeah, I aint letting this log into my facebook. 

I love it when these cheap-ass mobile games pilfer ship designs from Star Trek Online.

It’s too bad it requires you to log in with Facebook before you play.

Gah, why can’t they use the classic versions of starships and not nuTrek designs.

And she wasn't actually fired! She just didn't have her contact renewed!

Her attitudes towards the Scottish Independence movement have been a bit unpleasant too. Feels like her PR team have slowly lost control of her image. I mean, she’s clearly a person with good and bad in her, and there is a whole hospital wing in Edinburgh that the Harry Potter books paid for, but this is part of a

They seriously tried to chalk it up as “golly gee, Rowling was just confused” before, which ALREADY made me livid - the insinuation being that being accepting of trans people and their lives is a difficult thing for very very important celebrities to have to wrap their minds around. If you’re transphobic, onus is on yo

No, she was NOT fired simply for expressing her transphobic views publicly.  She was fired for insisting on always misgendering trans women, no matter how much pain and distresss she caused them.  Because it was supposedly a matter of principle with her.  As opposed to the sadistic glee that really lies behind TERF

“Men can’t be women,” says woman who quite famously lost her shit when people didn’t accept her male disguise when writing crime novels.

Everyone commenting that just holding this belief doesn’t constitute harassment, please read the actual ruling where the judge discusses this at length. She re-tweeted transphobic cartoons and articles for years. She misgendered her non-binary co-worker and said “in reality he is a man.” She responded to complaints