
I like stories about women proposing to men, and I remember a couple of really involved, complex, and cute female-led proposals that were covered by io9, or some other nerdy blog. I'm a sucker for anything that breaks or at least plays with old-fashioned gender norms. I'd love to learn more about that bit from Tasman

It boggles the mind that this is a real, actual thing that is actually happening in real life, today — as opposed to a bit from some documentary about civil rights in the mid-20th century, or a chapter from a dystopian alternate history novel. It's like these social conservatives were transplanted wholesale from some

Residents of Kansas are advised to seek the nearest tornado and pray that it deposits them someplace that's nothing like home.

This pope seems like a comparatively decent guy — as far as popes go, at least. Nothing will make up for the fact that he's still continuing the church's "traditions" of homophobia and sexism that should have long since been buried, but he does come across as being genuine in his faith, rather than hypocritical,

I don't think you're arguing with people who think being a good wife is a terrible goal. I think the problem is the whole "baking = feminine = being a wife" assumption.

Okay, quick question: If a boy made some cookies for the Minister during his visit, does anyone think it's likely he'd compliment the boy's baking skills by telling him that he'd make a great husband someday?

It's like Batman's utility belt, only without the "Bat-"!

Really? I thought Pinterest was mostly awesome architecture, retro sci-fi artwork, and cute interior design.

I'm pretty sure this comment is not mocking men in general, but the same exaggerated macho attitude that made anyone think that Pinterest is somehow unsuitable for men in the first place.

The "man" version of Pinterest is friggin' Pinterest. There are tons of men on Pinterest, pinning all sorts of things, including those that fall into stereotypical male interests, and those that do not.

Well, the article is a story about a personal experience that she had, and that's the perspective it's written from... I dunno, I think that's a valid approach. That is one of the kinds of articles that are published here — just personal stories that happened to someone that are interesting, or have wider

Setting aside the "whining" bit, why the either-or? People's personal experiences are often impacted by the less tolerant aspects of culture that they have to deal with. I don't see why people shouldn't talk about that when it happens...

I find your comment very offensive, and will ask Jezebel's management to ban you from this site forever! No complaining, now.

Just because something is a part of someone's culture, does not mean it is immune from criticism. If we weren't allowed to criticise culture, feminism as such wouldn't exist, along with a lot of other rights movements.

I'd start with The Next Generation, season 2. Season 1 wasn't all that good, but season 2 had a few good episodes in it, and it picks up more after that. Once you get into it you can always go back to the early episodes to see how the series evolved. I think TNG is the best entry point because The Original Series can

Whuh? Okay, I know a lot of people liked the 2009 film for some reasons I'll never fully understand, but Voyager as the entry point after that? And Enterprise before Deep Space 9? These are not typical Trekkie preferences, and I do not like them, no sirree!

This is why I have trouble with the "we should respect other cultures" concept, sometimes, despite having socially liberal beliefs otherwise. I don't really respect anyone's belief that women, for example, shouldn't drive, regardless of the foundations of that belief or the reasons for it. I don't care. I'm sure

Maybe human rights should be treated as being more important than they are now, then? They actually seem pretty important to me...

Yeah, I can never understand how American politicians are capable of both praising democracy and treating Saudi Arabia as a close ally at the same time without their heads spontaneously exploding. Especially Democrats.