You can't have your cake and eat it too. "We don't support gay marriage publicly because that would give our political opponents ammunition, but ACTUALLY, we totally like gay marriage, we're not extremist at all, please vote for us!"
You can't have your cake and eat it too. "We don't support gay marriage publicly because that would give our political opponents ammunition, but ACTUALLY, we totally like gay marriage, we're not extremist at all, please vote for us!"
What? No. Geeze. I usually leave tips at coffee shops, but this comment made me want to stop.
Condescending, moronic, and it won't work. If you want women to have more kids, then make it easier for women to have kids. Provide more support, better and more daycare, put pressure on companies to give out maternity (and paternity!) leave without hurting the careers of people who take it.
In other news, we should all support print media because the reporting quality is just so much higher there than in silly free "blogs."
It seems like a solution that's simultaneously a band-aid, and also extreme.
I just don't agree with the "who cares, it's a dictatorship" sentiment... I think it is interesting to see if the Chinese government can make even small steps towards greater equality for women, even if it's within the contexts of a non-democratic regime. I'm definitely not saying that China's oppression of its own…
I agree with this. China's government does a lot of evil, but it's simply not productive to dismiss it or label it and leave it at that.
Generally no, and even when it comes to women's issues specifically there are examples of female politicians who totally fail to care about women's political issues — but in general, more participation by women in the upper echelons of political power could potentially be a big part of a larger trend towards greater…
The article is criticising these people for saying things like "it's more natural for women to be stay-at-home parents", not for... choosing to be stay-at-home parents. In other words, the women this article criticises are the ones who are trying to diminish other people's agency, by trying to basically tell people…
Feminism is also respecting that other people can do what they want to do, instead of trying to tell them what's appropriate or not based on their gender. Saying things like "women should stay at home because they're wired that way" or "men can't take care of children as well as women can" is not even remotely…
It's a dictatorship (well, not quite, but authoritarian state, yes) that shows no signs of going away any time soon. And a lot of women live in this state, under this government. So it still matters how this government treats women, and the number of women in actual positions of power matters as well. I mean, it's not…
Well, I can't find anything here to disagree with, I think. :) Especially the "[the problem] comes from that being the only representation of women in most games" bit.
That won't solve anything. Doing physical violence to these rapists won't make them less violent. If anything, I'd guess they'd just be more messed up and dangerous when released back into society.
I guess it's a horrible time regardless of whether you spend it getting your heart broken, or avoiding people with your nose in a book. :P But I think we usually regret *not* trying something more than trying it and having it not work out — well, within reason, at least, setting aside physically dangerous and truly…
Isn't that just the old "putting women on a pedestal and claiming it's empowerment" thing? If a female character is treated as little more than a passive trophy, and has no ability to do anything on her own, does it really matter that *technically* the character who actually gets to go out and do things and have…
This doesn't necessarily mean that it's worth it to completely give up dating to focus on studying. Good grades alone do not necessarily lead to success further in life. A student who developed good social skills and earned only adequate grades might have a much brighter future ahead than a straight-A student who…
I don't understand why the addition of multiplayer gameplay is a justification for requiring an always-on connection when playing in single-player mode.
Goodness, this was a long time ago! I've switched to using store-bought saline sprays instead. :) They cost money, but usually not much, and they take less time to use, which is also a plus. The volume of water used is tiny compared to a neti pot, of course, but I found the overall effect is about the same...
But isn't there generally a lot of disagreement about the specifics of what feminism means, amongst feminists? Beyond some basic concepts, I'd imagine you could find lots of disagreement between women who call themselves feminists, too.