
If someone were going to take up half my space with their leg, I would peep at what he was doing on his phone too.

Yeah I feel like if there is a lot of space on the train or bus, sit however you want. It's a different story when it's crowded, but if you are practically in a car by yourself, who cares?

Even as we speak, there is somebody planning a Halloween costume that will include black face, and they are pretty sure that it's going to be okay this time because it's different and it's gonna be hilarious! Spoiler alert! It's not.

You don't even need to know all the words of "I'm a little bit country" or whatever it's called. People will be booing you off the stage before you even finish the part that you do know. Problem solved.

I think we can all agree that this is infinity better than being completely forgettable. You love the people you love, obviously, but who doesn't love an enemy as well? So much better than a person who is the 'meh' of human beings.

With one haircut to share between the lot of them...except for those guys at the end.

Save you the cost of some rope and a tub of spackle for afterwards anyway.

Oh my god I know. I don't think I even know enough people to form a properly impressive flash mob. Crying because I'm so happy for them and so alone! Damn you internet, you make being a hermit so hard sometimes!

That has got to be the most elaborate way to put a sharp thing up someone's bum.

I kind of like how the music video for that song takes place at a backyard barbecue.

Plus Martin Freeman is not to shabby either! That show just has so much to give!

My dog heard "where's the puppy?" and jumped onto the couch beside me as if to say "I am here!"

Thank you :)

You can pry this bottle of rye from my cold dead hands.

It's hard to feel much love for a bigoted Christian character who gets stabby when she feels like someone has been rude to her. I do not like Pennsatucky at all, and was kind of gleeful when she was sent to the psych ward.

Hours have been cut where I work, but sometimes they will need extra people if it's a busy day, or someone can't make it. If I didn't have a cellphone, I would either have to miss a chance to pick up a shift while I'm out of the house running errands or just living my life, or I would spend the day tethered to a

Because cocaine is the natural choice for peace and quiet, and not the drug of choice for jittery assholes who won't shut up.

Where is your control group guys, and what would that group even be? Just random people wandering by who you don't interact with?

I don't want to make a scene, hahah, please don't make this into a thing. Please go away, I don't want this, and I don't want the attention this is getting me. Go away please!

Oh but French or Italian culture is different from American (or Canadian). They kiss hello in Europe, that's what the culture is there! Of course, people kissing hello in France or Italy are kissing people they are already friends with, not random strangers they bump into on the street, so it's not even a cultural