That’s awesome but you must have seen that even in rural areas (I am from a town of 6,500 so my town is better than your town!) that the cost of living has vastly outstripped the raise in wages or employment; that our hospital system is hammered by the aging population and the school closures from lack of enrollment.
The clearly insurmountable divide ‘you’ (I’m Canadian and we have the same issues) have in the US. The rift between rural areas and dense urban areas is growing wider and nothing in the least 10 years has done a thing about it.
Melting snowflakes didn’t cause Trump. People NOT VOTING caused President Trump; he won with fewer votes than either Romney or McCain lost with. The urban vs rural disconnect is real though.
Yeah, not really
With Trump winning, the economic, energy and environmental policy plans just jumped off a fucking bridge. We either rape the Earth as cheaply as possibly to be able to afford to sell oil to the Americans or we stave and freeze like the noble ‘Snowbacks’ that we are. We are racking up non-payable debt,…
They all have white privilege, that’s enough to get a job anywhere and put food on the table. All you have to do is go to a bank and say you are a white male.
His white skin, his genitals and his gender identity. I take it you don’t go on Jezebel, Shitlord.
Thinking anything that Trump has said could be anything but cartoon-ish evil is wrong; not that lobbying is the second worst thing about DC right now. Other than Trump, of course.
You say that, but he has the House, Senate and Presidency.
Look at how much much the Chinese market is worth to big budget movies. Marvel is a business, not the damned UN.
Excluding the Prius V and subbing in a Prius C, I aint even mad.
In the sense that he was further up the road, yes he did; however, ROS or VES were in no position to attack going into T1 and HAM slowed down so the rest of the pack caught up by the T4 complex.
After that, the VSC and actual safety car came out, so he didn’t really get an advantage.
Because no cars were actually in a position to pass Hamilton. He slowed down in the next sector to bring Nico back into a similar gap that he was at.
Because no cars were actually in a position to pass Hamilton. He slowed down in the next sector to bring Nico back into a similar gap that he was at.
Depends, tornado or hurricane? Tornadoes are localized enough that you can go grab your fridge from the neighbours after the storm passes in less than an hour. Besides waiting a bit for the pop to settle, your food should be mostly okay, if little mashed.
20K... Otherwise it’s like plebeian aluminium.
I actually want to care, but I just can’t. He is a good driver in an amazing car; as long as he has his game face on when he’s in the car, I don’t care if he browses modern wallpaper pages on pinterest during the rest of the day.
It’s the same demographic that are Brexit and Trump supporters. Uneducated, older, white lower-middle class people that haven’t seen any of the advantages that free trade, immigration or clean energy promised. So they turning the car around and are willing to take a hit just to stick it to the ‘man’ because the…
You’re not following the narrative...