Another world-class article, right up there with Joan Summers.
Another world-class article, right up there with Joan Summers.
And it is not just hand washing (otherwise known as common sense and hygiene) that has bolstered women’s immunity, it’s also genetics.
Yeah, sure totally.
shhh. let’s ignore all the horrible things China’s government has done. Orange man bad!!!
Get out of here with your critical thinking skills! this is a place for hyperbole only! (jokes) :-p
*adjusts glasses*
“I’m thinking any threat of violence that an 11 year old makes is somewhat less than credible or arrest-worthy.”
I guess white journalists are more honest then?
Anyone who isn’t backtracking is maintaining their position in this bullshit story for ideological reasons. They are looking for excuses to hate these kids, because the assault smirk thing didn’t work so now they have to find out-of-context photos from basketball games 8…
David Hogg?
Money. Macau has casinos.
So just give up on trying to apprehend criminals in the hopes that they’ll stop committing crimes?
Because they’re trying to imply that big scary mean guys with guns forced innocent people into a crash and killed them.
So they didn’t get shot? What does the lead image have to do with the story, other than click bait?
Out of curiosity why is there a picture of a guy with a shotgun for a story in which no gunfire appears to have been exchanged? By all accounts this was just a Coyote (Human Smuggler/Trafficker) running from law enforcement in hopes of avoiding short time in a Federal Prison discovering the limits of their very…
Entering the country legally would be a way of avoiding things like this.
Tiffany has been annointed. She’s going to have to go seriously off the rails to lose her crown. Unfortunately the us vs them world engendered by the internet makes it impossible for someone to just be a person. Jezebel exists to raise people up or bury them. But thats because they serve the mob.
They beat AvE to the punch on this tear down! Would love to see what Ol’ Uncle Bumblefuck would make of that skookum batteria!