Jagermeister and more Jagermeister!
Jagermeister and more Jagermeister!
2011 and 2013 also don’t count.
I take it you weren’t watching F1 in the 2000-2004 era of Ferrari Grand Prix...
Nope, I’m going with Ballaban being a fucking tool, like he always is.
The only thing he doesn’t pull out of is the dreams about his daughter.
I have not done the exotic sword quest because of the PvP portion on it. Looks like I still won’t be getting it.
Almonds are great, except that they are worth their weight in gold because of how much water they require in the drought stricken areas of California...
Now the next Ford GT, due out in 2017, also uses that turbocharged V6 but the only official info on its output there is a “projected” horsepower figure of “600 plus.” How long until somebody figures out how to get that tune into the next Raptor?
The people that want them are the ones that don’t buy new cars because they don’t want to take the deprecation hit. They would like a to have one when the first owner runs out of the factory warranty and sells it for less than half of the MSRP.
Can we collectively blame Carrie Underwood for this?
The issue is that the woman that does want to wear a scandalously floral one piece at the beach will get beaten when she gets home or die in a ‘kitchen fire’ for disgracing her family. Most Islamic women choose to follow the culture because they want to but there are many that are forced to.
France’s plan will not work…
No one watches women’s sports. Most women leagues are tax write offs for the men.
There are not quotation marks around genetic advantages. If you are a man, biologically and not gendered, go talk to your mother. Have her raise her arm, palm up, with her elbow straight. The angle that her elbow makes is going to be ~15° more than yours will be. The tendons in your arm, the shape of your bones and…
People looking for a deal.
I don’t need a potluck to make me feel bad about how I’m living my life. I keep myself fed. I’M ALIVE, AREN’T I? Just because Sheila took up baking after her latest breakup doesn’t mean she deserves a warmer welcome to the party than I.
“Man, I really hate how Williams/Ferrari/Red Bull/Mercedes just walks away from every other team. There should be rules to make it so the other teams all have a chance at winning! My favourite car is totally the McLaren MP4/4!!! It was the fastest and best car EVER! Senna and Prost fighting every race for victory!”
NASA humour is best humour.
Everything is a dildo, if you are brave enough...
After watching 2012 races, go and watch 2011 and 2013 races and tell me how ANYTHING OTHER THAN ENGINE SOUND is better than what we have now.
It’s the internet, you can swear here.