
the thing that most powerful people want to do with power is use it to tell other people to shut up 

David, I wish to register a complaint. You’ve filed this story to Politics, but this is erroneous, as this is clearly a Sports Story.

It definitely will. I think this is his first non-controlled public appearance since becoming President, likely to avoid this exact scenario. This will play 24/7 on CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News. Dude is gonna be pissed.

That was a transparent effort specifically calculated to cut the booing short/lessen its intensity.

The best thing about this is that it will eat away at him way, way, way more than things like “credibly accused of being a Russian asset” or “revealed almost daily, often by his own idiotic admission, to have participated in criminal activity.”

And then there’s also this bit of heartwarming goodness:

They were clearly saying boo-urns.

God, I hope that "lock him up" chant burned its way into his insecure little facsimile of a soul and we get a torrent of rage tweets about it tomorrow. HOOK IT TO MY VEINS!

The “Veterans for Impeachment” signs behind home plate at the top of the fifth was also a nice touch.

It is a sport that found inspiration from Bud Selig.

“From the perspective of MLB clubs, our principal goals are upgrading the minor league facilities that we believe have inadequate standards for potential MLB players, improving the working conditions for MiLB players, including their compensation...”

So their response to a rapidly-aging fanbase is to price out the poors and shut out the rural? Their brilliance is... staggering.

The city has put more and more responsibility on saving the children as services crumble. In IL laws restrict what teachers can actually strike for (ie. Money not supplies, conditions etc)

Ah Chicago. Where 40% of city employees make over 6 figures, private companies make over $50M a year in profit from parking spaces, and real estate developers get $1.6B in free money because everyone pretends some of the most prime real estate in the city is a “blight,” but your kid’s school doesn’t have a nurse or a

Anybody who has read a single goddamn story about this strike and still thinks it’s about teacher pay either doesn’t know how to read or is being willfully obtuse.

I want to beat that goddamned asshole Blevin senseless for that comment.

The thing people are missing about the strike in Chicago is that it isn’t just about pay; the CTU is only allowed to strike about pay (really?), so they have to roll all the real issues into one big “pay us more” strike. It’s about the myriad other things that are a clusterfuck in the CPS (and I’m sure they have this

As a son of the Bluegrass, few things have ever stuck in my craw harder than the moment that Matt Bevin stood before the state assembly and claimed that the Kentucky teacher’s strike had caused a schoolchild to be molested that day. He was an angrier, redder-faced version of Maude Flanders with a receding hairline,

Fuck I miss Splinter.